Friday, June 4, 2010

Week, oh week, where have you gone?

We have had an extremely busy week. I'll start with last Friday. Last Friday afternoon we left to go to Archusa Creek for the weekend. (I'm still working on that post) We got home Monday afternoon. We had a make-up game scheduled, but it got canceled. We spend Monday night unloading the camper and trying to get everything put up. I'm still not finished with all of the laundry! We also went to Jean Jean and Grandaddy's to get some delicious strawberry cake that Jean Jean made. Tuesday was Blaine's birthday. He requested pizza for supper, so I picked up pizza and cake and we had a little party before our ball game.

Here he is opening some of his presents.

A new basketball goal!!

Blowing out his candles with a little help from Judd!!

He was really excited to be getting his picture made! Can't you tell?

Our church has gotten together a co-ed softball team to play in a tournament on Saturday. After the game, we had practice. We have had so much fun at practice. I've had a ball! Blaine and Judd went home with Jean Jean and Grandaddy. After practice, we picked them up and then came home. It was after 10:00 when we got home. Wednesday night was church and more softball practice. The field was wet and we had the best time!! I've been worn out at night this week! Thursday night we met Jamey at Big Bills for supper. I couldn't stand the thought of him being all by himself in the hotel room on his birthday, so I got everybody together to eat! We were late getting home, and I still had to clean house. A repairman is coming to work on our satellite today. Our HD channels haven't been working right. I usually have to have my house very clean when someone like that is coming, but I was so exhausted last night. I told Neal to bring him in the front door and not to let him go into the rest of the house! I'm at the point that I just don't care. Tonight we have another game and another practice. Tomorrow, we play 3 games. Sunday is Blaine's birthday party. We are all so exhaused and I've been sick all week. I'm not quite sure how we're going to make it throught the weeked, but we will some how. The next couple of weeks are not going to be much better. There are 4 meals/parties that I am responsible for within the next week! I hope things soon slow down so we can enjoy the summer!

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