Thursday, June 10, 2010

2nd Annual Archusa Creek Weekend

I guess it's better late than never! Memorial weekend, which seems like it has been forever ago, we went on our 2nd annual trip to Archusa Creek in Quitman. There was a group of around 30 of us there. We had a blast again this year, and ate some really good food! Thankfully, the weather was much better this year! Here are just a few of the MANY pictures that I took over the weekend.

First thing Saturday morning, Blaine, Hanna, and Judd were itching for a tube ride! This was Judd's first and only lasted for a few minutes. As soon as water splashed in his face, he was ready to get out.

Mr. Barney's jet ski was another highlight of the trip! Everyone enjoyed riding it. Some even found out that it would turn over!

No, Blaine was not really driving it! He did drive it for a few mintutes when Neal was riding with him, though.

Piper tried on her life jacket and was not liking it!

Blaine playing in the creek water. He officially learned to swim Saturday morning. He also learned to like doing cannon balls into the water off the side of the boat!

Here he is getting ready to try to knee board.

We never imagined that he would actually be able to do it!

My sweet baby!

He was even brave enough to hold on with one hand! Next time, he promising tricks!

Sweet Piper enjoying all of the fun!

Neal and Judd taking a ride on the other jet ski! Judd loved riding the jet ski.....

and so did Blaine!!

Piper had a ball feeding herself! It looks like she got more on her body that she did in her mouth!
Next was a bath...camping style!

Hanna enjoying a little tubing by herself.

Piper enjoyed eating cake and pancakes and anything else sweet anybody would give her!

Neal and his boys taking one last ride on the jet ski. We had a really good time with family and friends. We took our camper this year instead of staying in the cabin. There were 4 campers, a cabin was rented, 2 jet skiis, and 3 boats. A special thanks goes to Mr. Barney and Mrs. Mott for a excellent weekend!!

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