Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Father's Day Weekend

Our weekend was another busy one, but oh, so fun! We started off by taking Neal out to eat for Father's day on Friday night. We treated him to steak and oysters at the Fish House. Saturday morning we got up bright and early to go watch Neal in a softball tournament he was playing in. He and several other guys from our church got up a team. They had to get several other guys to play, too.

Neal was getting ready to bat.

Getting a hit! Let me tell you, it was a HOT day! Thankfully, we were under a tent in the shade most of the time, but I still managed to get a little sun.
Blaine and Judd had the best time watching Neal and playing with some of the other kids from our church that were there. The team did really well considering they hadn't played or practiced together. Some didn't even know each other until game time. The boys and I left there around 2:30 and headed to Philadelphia to pick up some last minute Father's day gifts. As soon as we got home, we got baths and met some good friends for supper at Big Bills. We had the best time although, they ran out of food! I had never seen so many people there! We didn't get silverware until we were half way through with our meal! But, we did have a good time!

We spent Father's Day with all of our Daddy's. I think Neal had a pretty good day! Our church also started revival on Sunday, so it was a busy day. For some reason I didn't even get my camera out for Father's day. After church Sunday night, we met up with several friends for Mexican. We were a group of 15 and it was a rowdy time! I'm sure they were ready for our wild kids to get out of there! Neal and some others told the waiters that it was Big Mac's birthday (actually it is coming up), so they came out with this sombrero and guitar and sang "Happy Birthday" The look on his face was priceless!!!

All of these pictures are taken with my phone. So the quality is not the best.

The kids all had to take turn trying on the hat.

My Judd with that sweet smile!

Baby Brennon had his turn wearing the hat!

Yesterday we had to go for Blaine's yearly nuclear renal scan. Neal and I were really dreading it. We had a lot of people praying for us, and it paid off! Thankfully we got a nurse who listened to us! Every time they always try to get a vein in his hand, but never can and always end up in the fold of his arm after 3 or 4 tries. It is usually a terrible ordeal! Yesterday, the nurse didn't want to, but tried where we told her. She got it on the first time!!!

During the scan, he has to lay perfectly still for about an hour. We brought out the laptop to keep him occupied! I let him get the new Avatar movie Saturday, so he could watch it while his test was going on. He did great! We also got some great news....his kidney has increased in function 3% (from 22% to 25%). And, we don't have to go back for 2 years! Thank the LORD!

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