Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blaine is 6!!

Today is Blaine's 6th birthday!!! He has been looking forward to this day for several months now. I sure hope he has a good day! We woke him up this morning singing "Happy Birthday" with a cupcake and candle.

He is not a morning person and immediately put the covers over his head. Judd woke up and blew his candle out and tried to eat his cupcake for him!!
Jean Jean made cupcakes for him to take to Memom's today. (Love the pillow cases that don't match the sheets? We were gone all weekend and I always have to change pillow cases when we've been somewhere and taken our pillows with us!)

Blaine has grown up so much in the past month or so. It is so hard to believe that he's already 6 years old. He makes our life so much more interesting. I love him so much!

He requested pepperoni and pizza for supper tonight. We have a ball game, but I am going to pick up pizza and a cake and we will give him his presents tonight. He is asking for an ipod touch. I hope he is not going to be disappointed, but since they cost around $200, I don't think he's going to be getting one. It's not the $200, it's the fact that I don't think he's responsible enough for something like that. He should be asking for toys not $200 ipods!! lol

We had a great time over the weekend camping and playing in the water. I have a ton of pictures to post.

Blaine knee boarded for the first time. I was doubtful when he wanted to try, but he sure surprised us!! We were so proud of him! DJ helped him get ready.

There he goes! He loved it!

He even got a little brave and held on with one hand. He says that next time, he's gonna try tricks! We'll see!
We are so proud of our growing boy! He is a great son and a wonderful big brother. Judd loves him to death! I hope you have a GREAT 6th birthday, Blaine!!!

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