Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jamey!

June 3rd is a big day for my family. To begin with it's Jamey's birthday. Too bad he is working in Jackson and we won't get to see him today. We are going to do plenty of celebrating this weekend, though! We will have Blaine's birthday party and one for Jamey.
Jamey, thank you for being such a great brother! I know you LOVE all of the little errands that I send you on! You are also a great uncle. Thanks for always thinking about the boys and bringing them surprises back when you go somewhere. They have been playing with their tractors all week...I think you've about got them spoiled!

The years are passing by fast. Take the time to enjoy them. I hope you have a great birthday weekend! We love you, bunches!

June 3rd is also my parents', Jean Jean and Grandaddy, anniversary. This is the best picture I could find of them! I'm going to have to do a better job of taking pictures of them together! We love you, Jean Jean and Grandaddy, and hope you have a great day!

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