Monday, June 28, 2010

A Quiet Weekend

We had a nice, quiet weekend for a change! It was so nice to pretty much stay around the house for a couple of days. Friday night we met up with friends at The Fish House. When you get 6 kids together, you are guaranteed to have an exciting time!! ha, ha!
Saturday we hung around the house. I got caught up on some much needed house work. At this moment, all of my laundry is folded and put up! Yay! A big accomplishment for me! Since we stay so busy, there are alot of things that get neglected.

Late Saturday afternoon, we took the boys to the pool. Blaine had fun jumping off the diving board and Judd had fun on his new water turtle! I only got out of the pool for a few minutes to snap some pictures.
One night at revival last week, Big Mac told us and some other friends that we would grill out at his house after church on Sunday. It was entirely too hot to be grilling out during the middle of the day, so he treated all of us to Mexican. After eating we all went to his house to book hotel rooms and order tickets for a little adult get-a-way that we are all going on this fall.

Then, it was back to church. After church we went to Jean Jean and Grandaddy's for some watermelon they had promised the boys. It was our first one this year and it was so good and sweet.....a perfect ending to a great weekend!

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