Monday, June 28, 2010

A Quiet Weekend

We had a nice, quiet weekend for a change! It was so nice to pretty much stay around the house for a couple of days. Friday night we met up with friends at The Fish House. When you get 6 kids together, you are guaranteed to have an exciting time!! ha, ha!
Saturday we hung around the house. I got caught up on some much needed house work. At this moment, all of my laundry is folded and put up! Yay! A big accomplishment for me! Since we stay so busy, there are alot of things that get neglected.

Late Saturday afternoon, we took the boys to the pool. Blaine had fun jumping off the diving board and Judd had fun on his new water turtle! I only got out of the pool for a few minutes to snap some pictures.
One night at revival last week, Big Mac told us and some other friends that we would grill out at his house after church on Sunday. It was entirely too hot to be grilling out during the middle of the day, so he treated all of us to Mexican. After eating we all went to his house to book hotel rooms and order tickets for a little adult get-a-way that we are all going on this fall.

Then, it was back to church. After church we went to Jean Jean and Grandaddy's for some watermelon they had promised the boys. It was our first one this year and it was so good and sweet.....a perfect ending to a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Father's Day Weekend

Our weekend was another busy one, but oh, so fun! We started off by taking Neal out to eat for Father's day on Friday night. We treated him to steak and oysters at the Fish House. Saturday morning we got up bright and early to go watch Neal in a softball tournament he was playing in. He and several other guys from our church got up a team. They had to get several other guys to play, too.

Neal was getting ready to bat.

Getting a hit! Let me tell you, it was a HOT day! Thankfully, we were under a tent in the shade most of the time, but I still managed to get a little sun.
Blaine and Judd had the best time watching Neal and playing with some of the other kids from our church that were there. The team did really well considering they hadn't played or practiced together. Some didn't even know each other until game time. The boys and I left there around 2:30 and headed to Philadelphia to pick up some last minute Father's day gifts. As soon as we got home, we got baths and met some good friends for supper at Big Bills. We had the best time although, they ran out of food! I had never seen so many people there! We didn't get silverware until we were half way through with our meal! But, we did have a good time!

We spent Father's Day with all of our Daddy's. I think Neal had a pretty good day! Our church also started revival on Sunday, so it was a busy day. For some reason I didn't even get my camera out for Father's day. After church Sunday night, we met up with several friends for Mexican. We were a group of 15 and it was a rowdy time! I'm sure they were ready for our wild kids to get out of there! Neal and some others told the waiters that it was Big Mac's birthday (actually it is coming up), so they came out with this sombrero and guitar and sang "Happy Birthday" The look on his face was priceless!!!

All of these pictures are taken with my phone. So the quality is not the best.

The kids all had to take turn trying on the hat.

My Judd with that sweet smile!

Baby Brennon had his turn wearing the hat!

Yesterday we had to go for Blaine's yearly nuclear renal scan. Neal and I were really dreading it. We had a lot of people praying for us, and it paid off! Thankfully we got a nurse who listened to us! Every time they always try to get a vein in his hand, but never can and always end up in the fold of his arm after 3 or 4 tries. It is usually a terrible ordeal! Yesterday, the nurse didn't want to, but tried where we told her. She got it on the first time!!!

During the scan, he has to lay perfectly still for about an hour. We brought out the laptop to keep him occupied! I let him get the new Avatar movie Saturday, so he could watch it while his test was going on. He did great! We also got some great news....his kidney has increased in function 3% (from 22% to 25%). And, we don't have to go back for 2 years! Thank the LORD!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Blaine has been taking swimming lessons this week. We went this morning to see what all he has learned.
He can swim....

and float on his back!!!!

He can even get diving sticks from the bottom of the pool!

It was so HOT this morning!! Judd pulled his shoes off and tried to get in the pool, but settled for just sitting on the side!

Judd threw a diving stick in the pool and told Blaine to go get it! When it was time to go, I couldn't find Judd's socks and one of his shoes. Guess where it was??? He had thrown them in the pool! LOL!

Blaine diving. When he goes under water, he doesn't even hold his nose!

He had so much fun this week and I think he learned alot!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Through the Eyes of a Child

I have the sweetest story about Blaine yesterday. But first, here's some background: Last Friday night, Jamey gave each of the boys a toy he had gotten for them. They were different toys, but they both like one of them the best. It was a skidder, which is a toy neither one has had before. They both played with it all weekend.

Sunday at church an announcement was made by one of our members that their niece's house had burned a couple of months back. They have bought another home, but need things for it. We decided to all bring the things to church Wedensday night. The family has a 4 year old little boy and 2 little girls. Yesterday afternoon, Neal and Blaine were home, and Neal told Blaine about the little boy losing all of his toys. Neal told Blaine to pick out some of his toys to give to the little boy so he would have some new toys. Later, Blaine finished going through his toys and was showing Neal. Included in the toys was Blaine's new toy that Jamey gave him. Neal asked him why he put that toy in there. Blaine said "this is my newest and most favorite toy and if something happened to all my toys, I would want one just like it." How sweet is that?

After Neal told me about it, I went on my nightly walk and had to call Jamey to tell him about it. He said that if Blaine wanted to give it away, he would be glad to buy him a new one. So, we'll see what he decides tonight. And just as I was at the two mile mark, walking along deep in thought about how sweet Blaine is and maybe we are doing something right, the three of them (Neal, Blaine, and Judd) jumped out from behind my car and sprayed me with water guns!! I guess it was a nice cool down for my last mile!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A HOT Weekend!

The weather has sure gotten HOT here in a hurry! But, we made the best of our weekend anyway. Here's our weekend in pictures...

Friday night we had a game and our end of season party. We had pizza and cupcakes.
It was hot Friday night, but not as hot as it was Saturday!

They got their trophies. Blaine didn't want to smile for me, so......

I took pictures of Ryleigh and Neely instead!

After Neely got her trophy she said to me "Did we get these because we did good?''. She was proud of it!

Saturday we had our last game. It was at 12:00 PM, and I might add that it was scorching! I think we were all glad to be ending the season! It was just getting way too hot to be playing ball! Thanks to Jean Jean for coming to every game!

Last bat of t-ball. He moves up next year and it will really be fun!

Good Game!!

After the game, we went to eat lunch and cool off. Neal had to go to Jackson. The boys and I ran errands and got a snow cone. Then went by the park to play for a few minutes......

while waiting for this team to get finished playing so I could take their pictures.

It was way too hot to be taking pictures especially since they had just gotten finished playing.
They were all hot and sweaty, but the pictures actually turned out a lot better than I thought they would.

After going home and resting for a little while, we hit the pool! Here, Judd was taking a break from the "wawa" (as he calls the pool).
Blaine is just a little fish this year! He's taking swimming lessons this week. Today is the second day and I heard that he's already diving in the deep end!

He had a great time and was asking as soon as we got out, when we could come back! He begged to go after church Sunday, but it was just too hot! We had a nice lazy afternoon at home. Then it was back to church. The weekend was just way too short!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2nd Annual Archusa Creek Weekend

I guess it's better late than never! Memorial weekend, which seems like it has been forever ago, we went on our 2nd annual trip to Archusa Creek in Quitman. There was a group of around 30 of us there. We had a blast again this year, and ate some really good food! Thankfully, the weather was much better this year! Here are just a few of the MANY pictures that I took over the weekend.

First thing Saturday morning, Blaine, Hanna, and Judd were itching for a tube ride! This was Judd's first and only lasted for a few minutes. As soon as water splashed in his face, he was ready to get out.

Mr. Barney's jet ski was another highlight of the trip! Everyone enjoyed riding it. Some even found out that it would turn over!

No, Blaine was not really driving it! He did drive it for a few mintutes when Neal was riding with him, though.

Piper tried on her life jacket and was not liking it!

Blaine playing in the creek water. He officially learned to swim Saturday morning. He also learned to like doing cannon balls into the water off the side of the boat!

Here he is getting ready to try to knee board.

We never imagined that he would actually be able to do it!

My sweet baby!

He was even brave enough to hold on with one hand! Next time, he promising tricks!

Sweet Piper enjoying all of the fun!

Neal and Judd taking a ride on the other jet ski! Judd loved riding the jet ski.....

and so did Blaine!!

Piper had a ball feeding herself! It looks like she got more on her body that she did in her mouth!
Next was a bath...camping style!

Hanna enjoying a little tubing by herself.

Piper enjoyed eating cake and pancakes and anything else sweet anybody would give her!

Neal and his boys taking one last ride on the jet ski. We had a really good time with family and friends. We took our camper this year instead of staying in the cabin. There were 4 campers, a cabin was rented, 2 jet skiis, and 3 boats. A special thanks goes to Mr. Barney and Mrs. Mott for a excellent weekend!!