Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Party!

We had Judd's birthday party at the skating rink. It is really hard to come up with somewhere for a party this time of year. This seemed to be the perfect place. It was super easy. There was no preparation and no clean-up! I think everyone had a good time skating or trying to skate! Judd sure enjoyed it! I had already planned a barnyard theme before I decided to have it there, but it worked out okay.

Judd and his cake that Jean Jean made him! He loved it. In this picture, he is eyeing that chicken on top of the barn. Right after I snapped this shot he grabbed it and put it in this mouth!

She did such a good job! Blaine had a similar one for his 1st birthday.

Singing Happy Birthday.
It took him a minute to blow out the candle! I think he was just a little shy.
Opening his presents...

he loved everything he got... he also got money (over $120)!!!

Gettting ready to skate.
Baby Piper wasn't quite old enough to skate!

Blaine didn't feel too well during the party. I was up alot Saturday night coughing. I had given cough syrup before we went, so he was having a hard time holding his head up.

Jenny and Ben gave it a shot--Jenny could skate good!

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