Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Granny!

Today is my Granny's 76th birthday! We celebrated Saturday night with a shrimp boil.

Jean Jean make her a beautiful, yummy cake!

You know the boys had to help her blow out the candles!
We stayed inside all that we could over the weekend, since the weather was what I consider to be FRIGID! We only got out to go to the birthday party and church twice on Sunday. The boys played with their toys, watched movies, and played video games all weekend. Our water froze up Friday and Saturday nights. That's the first time is has happened to us. Neal figured out where it was froze, so he got my hair dryer and unthawed it. We even left water dripping in all of the simks, but it still froze.
Blaine dreadded going back to school today, since they got out last Thursday and Friday due to the cold weather. I guess this will be their first full week back since the middle of December. I guess it's time to get back in a routine!

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