Monday, January 18, 2010

The ballgame

Friday night we went to the ballgame to watch my cousin Jenny play. Jenny played great and the team won as usual. They have only lost one game this year. This is the same starting five that won the MPSA state overall tournament last season. They have a lot to live up to this season!
Before the game Jenny wasn't feeling very well. A dr at the game checked her out, and didn't seem too concerned, so she played despite feeling really bad. Her side was hurting and her heart rate was high. I don't see how she did it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned about her last October when she found out she was born with 3 holes in heart. Well, she had surgery to repair them and has been fine ever since. So, we were all really worried that it might be something with her heart again.

After the game, she went straight to our local ER and was admitted to be monitored. Saturday night she began to have more complications and was transferred to Jackson to her heart doctor. Sunday morning we were all relieved to find out that it was nothing to do with her heart, but a bruised lung from a fall during the game last Thursday night. She also possibly has a touch of pneumonia in one of her lungs. She should be home from the hospital by now.

At half time of the game, my uncle Tony was inducted into the school's Hall of Fame. From what I hear he was a pretty good ball player! He had an outstanding record. I wish I could remember everything they said about him, but I can't.
Aside from worrying about Jenny, we had a pretty good weekend. Blaine was out of school today and was excited about getting to go to Memom's instead of school! I have Bunko tonight and Neal has "Guy's Night" with some of his buddies! The boys will enjoy getting to go to Jean Jean and Grandaddy's for a little while.

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