Friday, January 29, 2010

I just...

booked us a cruise aboard this ship...the Fantasy!!!!

We have been talking about it for a good while and found a really good deal, so we went ahead and booked it! Just Neal and me will be going. We celebrate our 10th anniversary this year and this is our gift to each other!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birthday Party Invitations

I wanted to show you these invitaions that I made for a little girl in our church for a horse themed skating party.

I made 3 different ones for her to choose from. She chose this boot one.

I just LOVE making invitations!
I didn't post Judd's invitation with his birthday pictures, so I wanted to show it to you also.

Incase you can't tell, that's a baby chicken in his hand!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jamey got something new...

something that he has been wanting for a long time... a trailer with living quarters.

Neal went and met the man he bought it from in Tallahassee, FL. It came from around Orlando, FL. We all love it!
Jamey has already taken all of the letters and pictures off of it. He did leave the pig on the back door.

He's already doing some things to it. It has a rear tack, but he's added an inside tack compartment to it. He could also still put a horse in that space if he needed to.
It's practically brand new. It has been very well taken care of. This is where the table goes and also makes into a bed. The big bed is to the left above the sofa.

He even has a microwave, sink, stove, and refrigerator. The bathroom is behind the door with the mirror. It has a very spacious shower! The boys have already asked when they can spend the night with him in it! They've claimed their bed. There is a cabinet just right for them above the big bed. They say that's where they are going to sleep! I bed Uncle Jamey is not going to want two little boys sleeping with him!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Painting and Ice Cream Cones

Saturday morning I was painting a canvas and Judd wanted to help. I had some extra flat canvases, so I decided to let him have at it! He had the best time! Excuse the dirty face and shirt. He had just finished breakfast!

He kept wanting more paint. He called the red paint ketchup. He even tried to put it in his mouth a time or two! He started out with red, blue, green, and yellow. He pretty much mixed it all together to form a greenish color.

He told me to get my camera and take a picture. I asked him what he wanted me to take a picture of and you can see him pointing to his painting. He had about as much paint on his shirt and hands as he did on his picture.

Later Saturday, Blaine decided that he wanted to paint.

I'm going to date them and hang them in the playroom. I think I'm going to let them paint one about this time each year and hang them all on the same wall.

Blaine's is a club house.

I wish I had gotten a picture of the finished product. When I get them on the wall, I'll have to take a picture of both of them together.

Most Sunday afternoon's Neal and the boys have to have something sweet after lunch. Yesterday, Neal wanted cookies and Blaine and Judd wanted ice cream.
I got out the ice cream and started dipping it in bowls and Judd said NO! He wanted a cone. Grandaddy and Jean Jean had treated us to seafood at Big Bill's Saturday night, and the boys had ice cream cones for dessert. So, I found some green cones that I had forgotten I had.

Blaine had chocolate ice cream, Judd had strawberry...

and I had two happy little boys!

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Busy Week!

I'm tired. We have had a very busy week. We have only been home one night this week.

Monday night was Bunko and "Guy's night." By the time I picked up the boys and got home it was after 9:00. Tuesday was our night home. Wednesday night was church, and my night to do the supper for it. When we got home, there was homework and baths. Neal and I slept very little Wednesday night due to the thunderstorms passing through. I woke up about 1:00 and never went back to sleep. Neal got up a little before 4:00 am to go to Tallahassee, FL to pick something for Jamey (more about that later). Thursday night the boys and I went to the ball game to watch Jenny play. Judd slept through most of it. Thank goodness, because, it was packed! Blaine had to sit in Jean Jean's lap the whole time. After the game, we went to Jean Jean's to wait for Neal to get back. Blaine ended up spending the night with them. He didn't want to go home. Neal got back after 9, we didn't get home until around 10. We both slept like a rock!! I didn't want to get up this morning!

I hope to have a quiet weekend and sleep late in the morning!!

I'm leaving you with some pictures of a silly little boy in his favorite pajamas!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Super Bowl Bunko

Heather hosted Super Bowl bunko at her house last night. We were to support our favorite team! She did such a good job! We had shish kabobs, rotel dip and chips, pigs in a blanket, and brownies! We are hoping to do a different theme each month.
Kadee, Heather, and Amanda

Lacey, Shelly, and April

Ashley and Jennifer

I didn't take many pictures...I was too busy playing!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The ballgame

Friday night we went to the ballgame to watch my cousin Jenny play. Jenny played great and the team won as usual. They have only lost one game this year. This is the same starting five that won the MPSA state overall tournament last season. They have a lot to live up to this season!
Before the game Jenny wasn't feeling very well. A dr at the game checked her out, and didn't seem too concerned, so she played despite feeling really bad. Her side was hurting and her heart rate was high. I don't see how she did it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned about her last October when she found out she was born with 3 holes in heart. Well, she had surgery to repair them and has been fine ever since. So, we were all really worried that it might be something with her heart again.

After the game, she went straight to our local ER and was admitted to be monitored. Saturday night she began to have more complications and was transferred to Jackson to her heart doctor. Sunday morning we were all relieved to find out that it was nothing to do with her heart, but a bruised lung from a fall during the game last Thursday night. She also possibly has a touch of pneumonia in one of her lungs. She should be home from the hospital by now.

At half time of the game, my uncle Tony was inducted into the school's Hall of Fame. From what I hear he was a pretty good ball player! He had an outstanding record. I wish I could remember everything they said about him, but I can't.
Aside from worrying about Jenny, we had a pretty good weekend. Blaine was out of school today and was excited about getting to go to Memom's instead of school! I have Bunko tonight and Neal has "Guy's Night" with some of his buddies! The boys will enjoy getting to go to Jean Jean and Grandaddy's for a little while.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Camo Recliners

The boys got these cute little camo recliners from Nana for Christmas. The boys love them! Now, they are just like Daddy! They even have to pull the bottom out to make them recline.

Have I mentioned how much Judd likes to read? He is almost obsessed with it! We read all of the time. He wants to real the same books over and over agin. He never gets tired of them, but we get so tired of reading them over and over! He only wants to read books about farm animals, trucks, or tractors. He really likes the ones with flaps. We read alot of the John Deere books with flaps!

It's really hard on week nights because Blaine has to do homework and read his books for school and Judd begs me to read to him. I usually end up taking turns with them.

I hope you have a great weekend! I hope ours is going to be pretty quiet! We are going to a basketball game and the boys are spending the night with Jean Jean and Grandaddy tonight. I looking forward to a break! My house is in need of a major cleaning! It is really hard to get anything done during the week, and on the weekends the boys are there to mess it up as soon as I clean up!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Granny!

Today is my Granny's 76th birthday! We celebrated Saturday night with a shrimp boil.

Jean Jean make her a beautiful, yummy cake!

You know the boys had to help her blow out the candles!
We stayed inside all that we could over the weekend, since the weather was what I consider to be FRIGID! We only got out to go to the birthday party and church twice on Sunday. The boys played with their toys, watched movies, and played video games all weekend. Our water froze up Friday and Saturday nights. That's the first time is has happened to us. Neal figured out where it was froze, so he got my hair dryer and unthawed it. We even left water dripping in all of the simks, but it still froze.
Blaine dreadded going back to school today, since they got out last Thursday and Friday due to the cold weather. I guess this will be their first full week back since the middle of December. I guess it's time to get back in a routine!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This was my view as I pulled into my driveway yesterday afternoon. Isn't the Lord's handiwork BEAUTIFUL?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Learning to sew...

I got a new sewing machine for my birthday and have started learning to sew! I finally had a chance to try it out right before Christmas. My first creation was for Jett. I think it turned out pretty good for my 1st time using a sewing machine. My grandmother has always been a sewer. She has made many quilts by hand (pieced and quilted). She taught me a little through the years and I can do simple things by hand. Now, I can sew with a machine, too!

Next, I made Judd a shirt to wear for his birthday party. It's really pretty easy. It just takes some time.(Which, is hard for me to come by!) It just takes time to cut out the letters, but it's really easy to use my cricut to cut them out!

And, I made one for Blaine..I couldn't leave him out! His is hard to see in this picture, but it turned out cute, too!

Here are some bow holders that I have painted recently...