Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Highlights

We had a pretty full weekend. I'll tell you about it. Friday night we went Neal 's step-brother's rehersal supper. We dropped the boys off at Grandaddy and Jean Jean's. Grandaddy did most of the babysitting because Jean Jean had some other things to do. I think they checked cows and mules until the dark. I'm sure the boys were in hog heaven! Next, we had to run by the funeral home. A sweet little lady in our chuch died at the age of 99. Can you imagine being 99 years old? Then, we were off to Newton to Zack Garvins. Zack's is very high on my list of favorites and it sure didn't let us down this time. The food was great! After picking up the sleeping boys and checking the chickens it was after midnight when we got home. We were exhausted!

Saturday morning we were up bright and early. I guess I was so tired Friday night that I forgot to turn my alarm off. It went off at 5 am. I'm sure Neal wanted to kill me! But, he did need to get up. He had alot to get done. I did manage to go back to sleep for a little while. However it wasn't long until Judd woke up. We did get some great snuggle time in before getting up. Later on Judd must have gotten lonesome because he went upstairs without me knowing and woke Blaine up. I started looking for him and the closer I got to the stairs all I could hear was "Bubba" and "ohh wee". He loves to wake up Blaine. I was busy cooking food to take to the family of the lady that passed away and didn't realize that Judd was trying to climb my corner baker's rack. The rack and everything on it fell on top of him. He was fine...just alittle scared. My Gail Pittman utensil holder and several other things were not so lucky. Only a couple of things on my shelves survived. As much broken glass as there was, it's a wonder that Judd wasn't hurt bad! Saturday afternoon we went to the wedding and reception. The boys stayed with Jean Jean and Mimi. The wedding and reception were very nice! When we went to pick-up the boys, Grandaddy and Jean Jean talked us into going to Big Bill's to eat. The food was good, but Judd was not liking it. He was not happy. I don't think he was feeling well.

Sunday morning Judd and I got up and he immediately wanted something to drink. I gave him juice. I usually give him milk in the mornings, but it's a good thing I didn't because after drinking the whole cup full, he got sick at this stomach. Juice was much easier to clean up than milk would have been! After he had a nap, he was fine. So, while Neal went to church, Blaine, Judd, and I had a lazy day. I think I kind of need that. It was a nice break!

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