Monday, June 1, 2009


We celebrated with a pirate party on Saturday at Golden Memorial Park. The weather was just perfect. The kids fished for a little while, but didn't catch anything. Blaine had such a fun day. He sat up in the bed at 6:30 AM and said "my birthday party is today!" He was really excited. You see, this is the first year that he has not been shy. The past years he was so shy that he didn't want to open presents or sing "Happy Birthday". We have Mrs. Monica and K-4 to thank for helping him overcome his shyness! He got so many fun presents! He loved each one of them!

The oldest and youngest guests at the party

(Mimi and Jett)

In case you are wondering, Judd was at the party! He just didn't slow down long enough for me to get a picture! He is one busy little boy!

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