Tuesday, June 30, 2009

18 Months Old

It's so hard to believe that Judd is already eighteen months old! Time had just flown by. He is quite the little character! He has his own little personality that is SO much different than Blaine's. There is never a dull moment unless he's asleep! He is very strong willed and determined, but yet a little on the shy side. How is it possible for him to be so bad and so sweet at the same time?

He has 16 teeth.
He loves suckers and M & M's and sweet tea!
He loves his Bubba.
He loves to pile all of his toys in a big pile and then knock them over.
He loves to go outside.
He loves to take a bath.
He knows how to throw a fit!
He has learned how to make me understand what he wants/needs.
He understands the things I tell him to do and does them.
He knows how to throw things in the garbage.

And thanks to Grandaddy, we learned over the weekend...

that he LOVES Push-ups!

Also, over the weekend he found this paci in his room and decided that he likes it! Notice how it's upside down in his mouth!! He had never really cared for one, so I hope he is not starting something! As soon as I figure out where he's hidden it, it's going in the garbage!

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