Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weekend Camping Trip

Our weekend started off with a ball game Friday night. Blaine did really good!! Since all of my family was there, we decided to all go eat. It was Jamey's treat, and oh so good!! Then it was off to Leake Water Park for the weekend. It was after dark when we got there, but that didn't stop the boys from bike riding.
Saturday morning was more riding. I learned really fast that it was much easier for Judd to be in the stroller than on his riding toy. He would get tired about half way around the circle!

Blaine rode miles and miles over the course of the weekend. I walked miles and miles with him! I loved that, though! I have been doing a lot of walking lately. I try to walk atleast 2 miles every day. Some days it doesn't work out because of ballgames and church.

Getting the boat ready to go to the river. Saturday morning we decided to enjoy the day at the river.

Judd's first "river ride." I think he liked it! We saw a bunch of boats and he had the best time watching all of them.

Blaine had fun, too! When we got in the boat, we couldn't find Blaine's good life jacket. Luckily, there were two little ones, so the boys each had one.

Blaine driving.

My sweet boy

Judd's turn to drive.

Blaine's hair flying in the wind!!

We rode along time, and Judd got sleepy. He took a little nap on my shoulder.

Blaine playing in the nasty river water when we pulled up to a sandbar to picnic for lunch. When we first got to the dock to put the boat in, Blaine said "where is the blue water?". I guess he was thinking about the beach!! LOL!! While we were eating we noticed that the sky was looking really dark back toward Jackson. We decided to cut our break short and head for land. We still had a long way to go. Well, we got the boat loaded and as soon as we got in the truck, the rain started. It was pouring!

Sunday we made a couple of trips to the pool. I think the water was still pretty cool, but that didn't stop Blaine and Neal!

Judd was a little scared at first. I didn't even put his swim suit on because he has been coughing and I knew that he didn't need to be in the cold water. Well, he ended up getting pretty wet. Oh well!

By late Sunday afternoon, the water had gotten cooler! But again, that didn't stop all three from getting in!

We all had a really fun weekend. I hated for it to end. We spent a lot of quality family time together...and that is priceless!

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