Thursday, May 6, 2010

Joy turns 5!

Last Saturday Mimi, Jean Jean, and I went to Meridian to Joy's birthday party at Skate Odyssey.
Loved her cake!!
Getting ready to skate

Mimi and Jett
Jean Jean and Blaine skating.

Judd fell down!

Judd and Jett. Judd wasn't into taking pictures. He was wanting to get something out of the vending machine!

He wanted CANDY!

Eating pizza
After the party, Mimi, Jean Jean, the boys and I went to the mall shopping. Boy was that a trip!! I took the boys while Mimi and Jean Jean shopped. We were in search of Blaine some new shoes. He was getting to pick them out. Well, we went in every shoe store there. In the last one, we finally found a pair we both liked! I bought a few other things along the way, too. I was exhausted by the time we got back home! It was a good day though, despite the rainy weather!

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