Friday, May 7, 2010

Blaine's School Party

Yesterday afternoon we had Blaine an early birthday party at school. Neal, Judd, and I went and took cupcakes and capri suns for all of the kids.
All of the boys in his class

Blaine and his class. Blaine's teacher, Mrs. Cindy, is like me and likes to take pictures :)

Making scary faces!

Mrs. Cindy lighting the candle. She did such a good job at making it fun for the kids and making Blaine feel special!

Singing "Happy Birthday"
Blowing out the candle.

Blaine handing out the cupcakes. I made chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing and sprinkles.

All of the kids were excited because they got to have a water gun fight yesterday morning. I hear it was really fun!! Mrs. Cindy rewarded them for reading all of their books! What a good incentive!
Blaine and Mrs. Cindy
Blaine and his buddies.
Judd didn't know what to think about all of those wild kids! I tried to stand him next to Blaine to take their picture together, but he was too shy. When he gets shy, he puts his hands in his mouth just like Blaine used to do!
Blaine brought home this beautiful picture yesterday. I couldn't believe how good his writing is on it! This scanned copy doesn't do it justice, but it proves that he can write really good when he wants to! I am so proud of him and all that he had learned this year!

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