Monday, May 24, 2010

Basketball Camp

Parents and Grandparents filled the stands last Saturday morning to watch the last day of 1st-3rd grade basketball camp.

The boys went to the gym and the girls went to the old gym to practice passing and shooting.

On the way to camp, Blaine told me to bring my camera so I could take his picture! He NEVER asks for me to take his picture!

Blaine shooting. In this picture, he made it and the ball is coming back down. He made several of his shots. They were playing on the 10' goals! Some of the boys couldn't even hit the net or the goal! Jenny helped with camp this week. Blaine enjoyed getting to see her.

Blaine shooting. Next, they took a short break and headed to the old gym to scrimmage. Each grade played together.

It was hard to take good pictures. The lighting was not the best and I had a hard time watching and taking pictures!

Hands up! Jean Jean joined us for the scrimmaging, and the boys were so glad to see her!

Blaine has the ball's just hard to tell. Every time he got the ball it was on the other side of the gym, and I couldn't get a good picture! In the old gym, they played on 7' goals across half court. The boys at one end and the girls at the other.
I think he knows how to guard! It was SO hot in there. There is no air and the stands were packed. Blaine had a really good time at camp...he hated that it was over! The coaches said that they left camp alot better than they came. I think it was a good experience for all of them. After camp we went to Neely's 4th birthday party. I was so worn out from camp and keeping up with Judd, that I didn't get any pictures. She had a really cute Strawberry shortcake party!

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