Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Four Wheeling

One afternoon last week, I came home to this......

I told Neal that I did know if I was ready for Blaine to be driving the 4 wheeler around by himself especially with Judd in tow. He informed me that my boys are growing up and I am getting old. And, that is sad, but so true!
He was driving slow and they both loved it. Now every afternoon, Blaine wants to drive the 4 wheeler!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Basketball Camp

Parents and Grandparents filled the stands last Saturday morning to watch the last day of 1st-3rd grade basketball camp.

The boys went to the gym and the girls went to the old gym to practice passing and shooting.

On the way to camp, Blaine told me to bring my camera so I could take his picture! He NEVER asks for me to take his picture!

Blaine shooting. In this picture, he made it and the ball is coming back down. He made several of his shots. They were playing on the 10' goals! Some of the boys couldn't even hit the net or the goal! Jenny helped with camp this week. Blaine enjoyed getting to see her.

Blaine shooting. Next, they took a short break and headed to the old gym to scrimmage. Each grade played together.

It was hard to take good pictures. The lighting was not the best and I had a hard time watching and taking pictures!

Hands up! Jean Jean joined us for the scrimmaging, and the boys were so glad to see her!

Blaine has the ball's just hard to tell. Every time he got the ball it was on the other side of the gym, and I couldn't get a good picture! In the old gym, they played on 7' goals across half court. The boys at one end and the girls at the other.
I think he knows how to guard! It was SO hot in there. There is no air and the stands were packed. Blaine had a really good time at camp...he hated that it was over! The coaches said that they left camp alot better than they came. I think it was a good experience for all of them. After camp we went to Neely's 4th birthday party. I was so worn out from camp and keeping up with Judd, that I didn't get any pictures. She had a really cute Strawberry shortcake party!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Proud Momma!

We received all of Blaine's end of the year papers in the mail yesterday. As well as knowing EVERYTHING he's suppose to for 1st grade, all of his achievement test scores were above average!! I am SO proud of him!
This week he is going to basketball camp. It last 3 days. It started yesterday and ends tomorrow. He had so much fun yesterday! He had to wear his camp shirt today for pictures. You can see that he was really excited about getting his picture made this morning! I can't wait to go watch him play tomorrow! We have another busy weekend coming up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weekend Camping Trip

Our weekend started off with a ball game Friday night. Blaine did really good!! Since all of my family was there, we decided to all go eat. It was Jamey's treat, and oh so good!! Then it was off to Leake Water Park for the weekend. It was after dark when we got there, but that didn't stop the boys from bike riding.
Saturday morning was more riding. I learned really fast that it was much easier for Judd to be in the stroller than on his riding toy. He would get tired about half way around the circle!

Blaine rode miles and miles over the course of the weekend. I walked miles and miles with him! I loved that, though! I have been doing a lot of walking lately. I try to walk atleast 2 miles every day. Some days it doesn't work out because of ballgames and church.

Getting the boat ready to go to the river. Saturday morning we decided to enjoy the day at the river.

Judd's first "river ride." I think he liked it! We saw a bunch of boats and he had the best time watching all of them.

Blaine had fun, too! When we got in the boat, we couldn't find Blaine's good life jacket. Luckily, there were two little ones, so the boys each had one.

Blaine driving.

My sweet boy

Judd's turn to drive.

Blaine's hair flying in the wind!!

We rode along time, and Judd got sleepy. He took a little nap on my shoulder.

Blaine playing in the nasty river water when we pulled up to a sandbar to picnic for lunch. When we first got to the dock to put the boat in, Blaine said "where is the blue water?". I guess he was thinking about the beach!! LOL!! While we were eating we noticed that the sky was looking really dark back toward Jackson. We decided to cut our break short and head for land. We still had a long way to go. Well, we got the boat loaded and as soon as we got in the truck, the rain started. It was pouring!

Sunday we made a couple of trips to the pool. I think the water was still pretty cool, but that didn't stop Blaine and Neal!

Judd was a little scared at first. I didn't even put his swim suit on because he has been coughing and I knew that he didn't need to be in the cold water. Well, he ended up getting pretty wet. Oh well!

By late Sunday afternoon, the water had gotten cooler! But again, that didn't stop all three from getting in!

We all had a really fun weekend. I hated for it to end. We spent a lot of quality family time together...and that is priceless!

Monday, May 17, 2010

In Love...

I am IN LOVE with these pictures that I took of the boys this past weekend while we were camping!!

I think these two pictures (above and below) are about my most favorite pictures that I have ever taken of my boys!!! (They posted a little blurry. They look much better than they posted on here)

I love these two boys!!
They make my life much more interesting!

We took more in different places, but I just didn't like them as much as I do these. We took some on a pier that would have been really good, but we were there at the wrong time of day. The sun was in the way!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jenny's Birthday Cook-out

Jenny celebrated her 17th birthday last Friday. We got together Saturday at the fair cabin for a cook-out to celebrate. This is the only picture I got of her, and actually, Blaine took it. We missed you , Jamey! He was in a wedding in Madison.
The weather was just beautiful. It wasn' t too hot or too cold. The boys had such a good time playing.
Blaine is so excited that he is still able to ride his bike without training wheels this year. We took them off last summer and he did fine. I guess he thought that he might have forgotten how!

Grandaddy locked Judd up in "jail".

Just relaxing. I wish the weather would be that nice during the fair!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's Official......

Blaine is a 1st grader!! He got his kindergarten diploma on Friday. He is really excited about it. They went to see 1st grade on Friday. The got to play on the big playground and go to see the cafeteria. He said that he is a little scared about 1st grade! (He looks so grown up with his cap on!)

It's hard to believe that my little man is already that old! Time sure flies by in a hurry! Blaine decided that since he got his diploma on Friday that he didn't need to go back on Monday. The teacher sent a note home that said it was only a play and clean-up day, so I let him skip. They brought home all of their things and only had to go until 11:30. I think he had a fun day filled with playing at Memom's yesterday!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a nice mother's was busy but nice! We visited with all three mothers and one grandmother yesterday and the other grandmother on Saturday. I'm just thankful that they are all still alive so that we can visit.

The boys and Neal each gave me a card and money. I can't wait to go shopping!! Last Thursday night, Neal took me to one of my favorite restaurants...Zack Garvins. It was great. The fried green tomatoes were to die for!!!

I am SO thankful for these two sweet little boys that the LORD has blessed me with. I love them both so much and can't imagine my life without them. I may get tired of hearing "Momma" a thousand times a day, but I wouldn't change if for the world!!

I have a pretty good husband, too! He doesn't get the credit that he deserves.

Can you believe that I didn't take any pictures on mother's day? I guess I just took the day off. I took these in the pasture in front of our house a week or so ago. I look forward each year to taking pictures of the boys in the beautiful yellow flowers.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blaine's School Party

Yesterday afternoon we had Blaine an early birthday party at school. Neal, Judd, and I went and took cupcakes and capri suns for all of the kids.
All of the boys in his class

Blaine and his class. Blaine's teacher, Mrs. Cindy, is like me and likes to take pictures :)

Making scary faces!

Mrs. Cindy lighting the candle. She did such a good job at making it fun for the kids and making Blaine feel special!

Singing "Happy Birthday"
Blowing out the candle.

Blaine handing out the cupcakes. I made chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing and sprinkles.

All of the kids were excited because they got to have a water gun fight yesterday morning. I hear it was really fun!! Mrs. Cindy rewarded them for reading all of their books! What a good incentive!
Blaine and Mrs. Cindy
Blaine and his buddies.
Judd didn't know what to think about all of those wild kids! I tried to stand him next to Blaine to take their picture together, but he was too shy. When he gets shy, he puts his hands in his mouth just like Blaine used to do!
Blaine brought home this beautiful picture yesterday. I couldn't believe how good his writing is on it! This scanned copy doesn't do it justice, but it proves that he can write really good when he wants to! I am so proud of him and all that he had learned this year!