Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Highlights

Our weekend was pretty quite for the most part. Saturday morning I woke up with my sinuses bothering me again. Blaine and Judd didn't feel the best either. Judd wanted me to hold him practically all day. I had so much to do, but I just let it go. Holding my babies is far more important than house work. I did manage to get my laundry caught up and my floors mopped. I also cooked a meal for some friends of ours who recently had a baby. We listened to the LA Rebelettes win their 5th straight AA State Championship!!! So far this season, they are District Champs, North State Champs, and State AA Champs. All that's left is the Overall tournament that takes place this week. Good Luck, Girls!!

Sunday after church, Nana had Neal an early birthday lunch complete with a Jeff Gordon birthday cake. Lunch was so good! I love a good home cooked meal that someone else has cooked!
Judd is feeling better, but Blaine is still coughing his head off. I've got him a doctor's appointment for this afternoon, so maybe he will soon be well again.

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