Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Sickness

I don't have much to talk about this week. We have all been sick and are on the mend (hopefully). Last Wednesday, Neal started coming down with a stomach virus. He thought it was something he ate, but we later decided it was a virus. He was feeling pretty bad on Thursday, but managed to keep the boys for part of the day. Both were home sick and I had to go into work and get some things done. I still haven't decided if it was the virus or just the crud. They were both sick at their stomachs, but they were also coughing a lot, too. They were both better Friday. Friday night, Blaine's coughing got much worse. He coughed all weeked pretty much every breath. Cough medicine just doesn't do much for him. A lot of the time, he coughs until he throws up. Saturday they both felt pretty bad again. Sunday was better. Blaine was still coughing. Monday afternoon, Neal took him to the doctor and he got augmentin, prednisone, and more cough medicine. Blaine doesn't take augmentin very well. This is the first time he has taken it since he was really little. I have refused it every since, because it made him so sick. We got him to eat alot Monday night before he took it, and he did ok with it. Tuesday morning was a different story. I fixed him breakfast, but he just didn't want to eat. I gave him the medicine anyway, because he really needed to get it in his system. Well, his teacher called me to come get him because he had thrown up. I immediately knew why...the medicine. I went and got him and he was fine the rest of the day. He stayed home with Neal. Neal was up all night Monday night, so he needed to rest anyway! He coughed very little last night and this morning. I'm anxious to hear how he made it at school.

Judd is better. He came home with a knot on his forehead. I asked him what happened and he said that Bubba did it. Of course, that was a lie. I asked him if Asa (his friend) did it and he started pulling up his shirt and said Asa bite. When I put him in the bath tub, there it was, a bad looking bite mark on his arm. For all I know, he might have bitten Asa, too.

I started taking an antibiotic Monday, so I am feeling better. My ear is still sort of stopped up. I have been up since before 4:00 this morning. Judd woke me up and I just couldn't go back to sleep for thinking about everything that needed to be done. A little after 4:00, I decided to get up and get some things done. I think I need to start doing that about once a week! I got a lot done. Just one little thing.. I must remember to turn my alarm off. I felt so bad this morning when I realized that it was going off and was going to wake Neal up. I got up there as soon as I could, but it was too late. He had gotten up to turn it off.

I'm going to leave you with a cute picture that I took of the boys with my phone. The quality is not good at all, but I couldn't resist posting it!

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