Monday, February 1, 2010

Blaine's BUSY Weekend

Blaine went to his first lock-in Friday night at our church. It was for the RA group. I think Blaine had a blast.

They played video games and watched movies. We went by for a little while and helped get supper ready and served. I think they all finally went to bed after midnight. Blaine surprised me and stayed all night!

The group. They DID NOT want to line up for a picture, but I managed to talk them into it. We've got to have some pictures to fill up that bulletin board behind them!

A few minutes after Blaine got home Saturday morning, Brewer's Moma called and invited Blaine to go to the movies with them. Since he seemed to be in a pretty good mood, I let him go. Well, he ended up spending the night with them, too! I knew that he would be so tired Sunday, but he did pretty good. When I got there around 8:30 Sunday morning, he was still asleep. I got him up and we went home and got ready for church. After church we had a birthday party. Last night he didn't want to go to sleep. Needless to say, I had to drag him out of bed this morning. I think all of the fun has caught up with him. I'm going to try to get him in bed super early tonight!!

Judd and I spent the day Saturday playing, reading books, and just being together. He loves to line his toys up. You can see that he even had balls lined up. He put anything he could find! At the beginning of his train, he had books lined up.

Judd missed his Bubba so much. He just couldn't understand where Bubba was. The first thing he asked both Saturday and Sunday mornings was "Where's Bubba?"

Saturday night, he wanted us to go get Blaine, but I promised him that we would the next morning.

My little sweatheart! I could just eat 'em up!!

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