Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

We had a nice little Valentines Day and weekend...nothing extravagant, just family time together! Saturday morning I cleaned house while the boys played. Saturday afternoon the boys stayed with Nana while Neal and I went to Jenny's ballgame. I knew that it was going to be a packed house, so it was a BIG relief for them to stay with Nana. It was a great game and we won!! Saturday night, Nana had pizza for us when we went to pick the boys up.

Sunday was a busy day. Here the boys had already started working on their sugar high!!

After Neal came in and we were ready for church, I gave them their Valentine gifts.

Judd was excited about all of the candy!!

Blaine got a new DS game that he had been wanting along with candy and a few other happies.

Judd got this horse, candy, and a few other things. Blaine has a horse the same size and Judd loves to try to ride it.

Trying out his new game.

Trying out his new horse!!

After church, we took lunch to Papa Z and Gran. Papa Z's birthday was last week, so we had to celebrate! We watched most of the race and the boys watched a movie. Next, was our Valentine Banquet at church. We got there early to help get everything ready. It was so nice and the food was so good! A good time was had by all!

Nana and the boys at the banquet.
Our little family.

After the banquet we went to see Grandaddy, Jean Jean, and Uncle Jamey. They hadn't seen the boys since the weekend, so they were dying to see them! Judd didn't get his nap Sunday afternoon, so he was asleep before we got there. We had a nice day even if it was busy!

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