Friday, April 9, 2010

A Tough One!

This week has been a tough one. It started out with Sunday being really busy since it was Easter. Monday afternoon, Blaine had ball practice. We have one more practice and games start next Saturday. I took a couple of pictures with my phone.

After practice, Neal and Blaine went to a meeting. Judd and I went home and ate supper and I tried to clean up some. Judd was so tired. It was hard to get much done. I tried to work out while he played but with about seven minutes left, he was crying for me to hold him, so I gave in. Neal brought Blaine home and left again. Blaine spent the rest of the night reading his book to me. Tuesday night Neal had a meeting at church and I had to come home and cook supper and cook for Wednesday night supper at church. We each take turns preparing the Wednesday night meal and this was my week. My momma and daddy are out of town this week vacationing, and Jamey is home this week. He is working in Chicago these days. Since it is so far away, they are working 8 days on and 6 days off. So, Jamey has been eating with us this week. I had bought most of my groceries for the church meal on Tuesday. Well, right before I got home, I realized that I forgot my cold stuff at work. I had to figure out something else to cook for supper that night and try to fix what I need to for Wednesday night. The boys were so tired and ill. And, of course, Blaine had more reading to do. I was stressed by the time I went to bed! Wednesday I left work early to finish up my meal and got it to the church just in time. Neal and Lance took some of the youth boys to Jackson to see a friend they go to school with that had a UTV accident last week. After church the boys and I went home to get baths and go to bed. I was exhausted! We forgot Blaine's backpack in Neal's truck, so no reading. Thursday night I came in and started cooking and trying to get my kitchen back in order. Jamey came to eat and was so sweet to help Blaine read!
Blaine brought two more books home from school on top of the ones we still had from Wednesday. It was a night full of reading. I did manage to workout, though. Judd was so tired that he had already passed out when I got home yesterday afternoon. Neal assured me that he was the illest that he had been all week. When I went to get him off the couch to take him to bed, this is how I found him.

Poor baby! He was in a great mood this morning, though!

I am ready for a nice quite's been a tough week!

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