Wednesday, April 28, 2010

He's Growing Up!

Blaine's year in K5 is coming to a close. He only has 7 1/2 days left after today. It's hard to believe that my "little boy" has already completed 2 years of kindergarten and is almost a 1st grader! I am already nervous about next year. They have learned SO much this year, but next year is going to be a HUGE adjustment. We have had to read many books this year, but it's nothing like the TONS that we will be reading next year and the next. I dread it already!

I wanted to show you a few of the things Blaine has been doing lately. Jean Jean wanted me to make copies of some of his work so she could show Mimi. So, while I had it with me I decided to scan a few things for you to see.

He is doing really well with his cursive writing. They have been writing in cursive pretty much the whole year. They learned cursive the last semester of K4. He has learned to spell his last name and write it in cursive this year.
They have also learned addition and started on subtraction. This is a speed drill. He did miss one but I thought it was pretty good for a speed drill! He must have been in a hurry because he made a couple of his 5's backwards!
They have learned to tell time, count money, count by 5's and 10's, and sentence completion. (this is just a few of the things) I know of a couple of poems he's learned also.

I think that Blaine is about burned out. He's home today with Neal. I think he's got what Judd had over the weekend. He's running fever and has a really bad cough. He wasn't able to play the whole game last night. After about half of it, he came off the field crying. I knew he didn't feel well before the game started, but he had all the could take. Poor thing. He's had a bad week. He's had trouble hitting. He's had to hit off the tee, and he hasn't had to do that since season before last. I think he's just really tired and ready for a break....aren't we all!!

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