Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pictures from my phone

Here are some random pictures from my phone that I've taken lately.

Blaine wanted me to wrap the towel around his head like I do mine.
One weekend morning, I was in the kitchen cooking, so Judd went and got this bean bag and just had a seat in there with me.

This is the night that Blaine fell alseep in the recliner

Last Saturday, Judd went to sleep in the recliner. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of my sweet little boy.

We are enjoying this beautiful weather and having another busy week! Last night started ball practice. Neal and Jake are coaching this year, so it should be really fun. I was surprised at how well Blaine hit the ball. I had planned for us to practice over the weekend, but we never got around to it. Tonight we will hopefully be home. Tomorrow night is our church easter egg hunt. We are having it at night to add a little twist to it and make it more fun! The kids are bringing their flashlights to hunt with. Thursday is Blaine's easter party at school. Friday afternoon, the RA group is going camping. Neal is taking our camper and there will be one more camper. I'm not sure where everyone is going to sleep, but I'm sure they'll figure something out.
Easter weekend is going to be busy, also. We have something going on all weekend.
Blaine is tired of school. He didn't have much of a spring break since he had the flu. Last week he had achievement tests. It's hard to believe that achievement tests are given to 5 and 6 year olds! Sunday he asked if he had to go to school the next day, and I told him yes. He immediately started crying. Poor thing...it's only a few more weeks.

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