Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Winter Get-a-way

In case you didn't know, Neal and I left out a week ago Saturday on a cruise. We got home Thursday. We had the BEST time. If you have never been on a cruise, you are missing out!!

We left out of Mobile, AL and stopped at Progreso and Cozumel, Mexico.

Cozumel was BEAUTIFUL!!!
I will do a much bigger cruise post when I have time to go through all of my pictures!
We got back on Thursday afternoon right after Blaine had gotten out of school. He was so glad to see us!! Judd was asleep, so it took him a few minutes to figure out what was going on. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting caught up on kisses, hugs, and snuggling. I think we missed the boys way more than they missed us! ha! Friday, I had to help Neal get caught up with everything around the farm. We were home very little over the weekend. We spent most of it going to birthday parties. I got most of my laundry caught up Saturday morning while spending time with the boys. Saturday afternoon we went to Hanna's skating party, then we met up and ate Mexican for Mandy's 30th birthday that is coming up. We also went to see baby Brennon. He is growing so much and is so sweet! Next stop was Wal-Mart. We had to have some groceries. We were out of everything! Sunday was church and 2 more parties. We celebrated Mimi's 91st birthday (I have pictures to post) with a lunch at her house, and Shelby's birthday with a skating party. Needless to say, I am looking forward to having some nights at home this week!

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