Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Sick Baby

Judd has been sick this week and he has our pediatrician puzzled. He started coughing some Sunday night. Monday he coughed a little bit..not a whole lot. Tuesday morning he was really fussy when he got up, but we didn't think anything about it. Neal took him to Memom's and before he got back home, Memom called and said that Judd had 103 fever and he was breathing funny. Neal took him to the doctor and the dr doesnt' really know what the problem is. Judd's breathing really scared him and he came very close to putting him in the hospital. They did an x-ray and Judd did have a light haze in his lungs, but not really enough for pneumonia. He tested negative for the flu and RSV and all of his blood work came back good. He got a really strong shot, some steriods, and some super duper breathing treatments.They were in there over 3 hours and Neal had about had it! The dr wanted to see him back this morning. We thought he sounded much better, but the dr still thought he sounded bad. They reswabbed him for everything again today and they were all still negative. They gave him another breathing treatment and another shot. We have to go back again in the morning to get him checked. So, please say a prayer that he is much better tomorrow!

Today, Judd turns 22 months old! My sweet baby boy, I hope you are feeling much better very soon!

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