Monday, October 19, 2009

A Cold Trail Ride

Despite the cold windy weather, we went on a trail ride last Saturday. Blaine had been looking forward to it for weeks. We bundled up and made the best of it. We did have one slight problem, I forgot Blaine and Judd's heavy coats. I got them out, they just didn't make it to the truck! They already had on long sleeved shirts and fleece pull-overs, but as cold as it was, they had to have another layer! I found one of Judd's jackets in the truck and Jean Jean found a jacket for Blaine in their trailer. I put on their gloves and toboggans and I guess they were okay because nobody is sick yet!
The boys are in hog heaven!

Did I mention that we rode about 17 miles...

some was through the mud!

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