Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun with Joy and Jett

Joy and Jett stayed with us this weekend while Joe and Jennifer went to the State game. We had such a good time. I did have my hands full, but in a good way! I was able to cook supper Saturday night and cook breakfast Sunday morning. And, we even made it to church before Sunday school started! (That's a challenge for us every Sunday!) Neal was getting his morning work done, so it was mostly my responsibility to get everyone ready to go. It wasn't that bad, although I got up extra early to get myself ready before the kids woke up. (or so I thought I was doing! I got up and got in the shower and when I got out, everyone except for Blaine was awake!)
We had fun at Ryleigh's birthday party playing at the park. The weather was just beautiful!

Birthday girl, Ryleigh.

Jett enjoyed sitting in his stroller and watching all of the kids play. His eyes are so blue!

After resting up, we went to see Mimi. It was quite a surprise for her. She enjoyed seeing them all, and I'm sure she was ready for my two rowdy boys to leave!

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