Friday, October 30, 2009

Dega Bound!

The "crew" left last night for their annual trip to Talledaga. They usually leave on Friday, but this year, they just couldn't wait any longer! They have been planning it for months. Neal has talked to each one of them several times a day for the last week or two. Each year there is someone different that goes. The first year there was only three, now it has grown to five. They are already considering taking two campers next year. They have had to turn several down this year!I'm sure that Neal will get some good pictures that I will post next week.

BTW-Judd is much better! He got another shot yesterday. That makes 3, so he should be better! We still don't know what was wrong. I'm just thankful that he is almost back to normal!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Sick Baby

Judd has been sick this week and he has our pediatrician puzzled. He started coughing some Sunday night. Monday he coughed a little bit..not a whole lot. Tuesday morning he was really fussy when he got up, but we didn't think anything about it. Neal took him to Memom's and before he got back home, Memom called and said that Judd had 103 fever and he was breathing funny. Neal took him to the doctor and the dr doesnt' really know what the problem is. Judd's breathing really scared him and he came very close to putting him in the hospital. They did an x-ray and Judd did have a light haze in his lungs, but not really enough for pneumonia. He tested negative for the flu and RSV and all of his blood work came back good. He got a really strong shot, some steriods, and some super duper breathing treatments.They were in there over 3 hours and Neal had about had it! The dr wanted to see him back this morning. We thought he sounded much better, but the dr still thought he sounded bad. They reswabbed him for everything again today and they were all still negative. They gave him another breathing treatment and another shot. We have to go back again in the morning to get him checked. So, please say a prayer that he is much better tomorrow!

Today, Judd turns 22 months old! My sweet baby boy, I hope you are feeling much better very soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bunko Costume Party

Last night we had our annual costume party at bunko. We had a wide variety of costumes-a scary man, a hunter, a bow hunter, a hot dog, an 80's chic, a cowgirl, a pirate, a chicken, a fairy, a hippie girl, pocahontas, and a sexy eskimo. Amanda was a great host. All of her halloween decorations were so cute!

We had to have a photo shoot before I left!
When I got home and walked into the kitchen, this is what I found! I think Judd had read all of my books and cookbooks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Saturday was the perfect day for a trip to the pumpkin patch. We decided to go to a different one this year. There were several different activities for the kids to do. The boys had a very good time! I was excited that Jean Jean went with us and we were able to get a family picture. This was the best one out of many tries! During this picture, there were 2 butterflies that had landed on Jean Jean's head and were playing. She didn't even know what we were all laughing about until we were finished!

Judd automatically picked out the smallest pumpkin he could find. The smaller ones just weren't very pretty.

I love this picture of the boys. It makes me think about how they are so different from each other. Each has his own personality.

My big boy, Blaine!

My little explorer, Judd!

This picture is priceless!

Judd just found a seat. After I took this picture, he actually fell off of the pumpkin face first!

On the hay ride out of the pumpkin patch.

When we got finished at the pumpkin patch, we were just in time to see the pig races!

Judd enjoyed looking at the goats and chickens in the petting zoo called Noah's Park.

It was even complete with Noah's Ark!

Look how tall!

Hay Ride

Saturday night we had our annual weinee roast and hay ride at church. We all had a good time eating and visiting!

All bundled up for the hay ride. Neal usually drives, but decided to ride with us this year. With a new driver came a new route. It lasted over an hour and a half. We were all about frozen when we got back to the church. Judd enjoyed the first 10 minutes of it then he started saying "down." With the help of others, we were able to entertain him until he fell asleep. Notice the bobo on his chin? Somehow he tripped over a piece of wood and hit it on another piece. It never fails. He is always getting hurt somehow!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Cold Trail Ride

Despite the cold windy weather, we went on a trail ride last Saturday. Blaine had been looking forward to it for weeks. We bundled up and made the best of it. We did have one slight problem, I forgot Blaine and Judd's heavy coats. I got them out, they just didn't make it to the truck! They already had on long sleeved shirts and fleece pull-overs, but as cold as it was, they had to have another layer! I found one of Judd's jackets in the truck and Jean Jean found a jacket for Blaine in their trailer. I put on their gloves and toboggans and I guess they were okay because nobody is sick yet!
The boys are in hog heaven!

Did I mention that we rode about 17 miles...

some was through the mud!

Judd and Magnum (aka Rocket)

Blaine and Clyde

Blaine and Jean Jean

Judd loved to drive the mules!

Judd thought he was a really big boy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


That's what Blaine's report card said yesterday! Well, kind of. There were lists of the things that he should know. Blaine didn't miss any of them! He knew everything he should know! So, I consider that to be a 100/A+! He had been coming home this week with stamps on his hands and I had asked them what they were for and he had told me that he had made 100 on his tests. I guess these were the tests he was talking about! The things on his report card weren't even close to all of the things he has learned the first 9 weeks. It is hard to believe all that they learn so quickly! I guess we will be making a trip to Wal-Mart for a surprise very soon!

This picture is what you get when 2 little boys want to ride the lawn mower at the same time. I took it awhile back and thought it was cute!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun with Joy and Jett

Joy and Jett stayed with us this weekend while Joe and Jennifer went to the State game. We had such a good time. I did have my hands full, but in a good way! I was able to cook supper Saturday night and cook breakfast Sunday morning. And, we even made it to church before Sunday school started! (That's a challenge for us every Sunday!) Neal was getting his morning work done, so it was mostly my responsibility to get everyone ready to go. It wasn't that bad, although I got up extra early to get myself ready before the kids woke up. (or so I thought I was doing! I got up and got in the shower and when I got out, everyone except for Blaine was awake!)
We had fun at Ryleigh's birthday party playing at the park. The weather was just beautiful!

Birthday girl, Ryleigh.

Jett enjoyed sitting in his stroller and watching all of the kids play. His eyes are so blue!

After resting up, we went to see Mimi. It was quite a surprise for her. She enjoyed seeing them all, and I'm sure she was ready for my two rowdy boys to leave!