Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekend Parties

The rest of our weekend was filled with birthday parties. We went to a 1st birthday party Saturday afternoon, a skating party Sunday after church, and Grandaddy's party right after that. Sunday was a busy day!

Granny had Grandaddy a birthday party at her house for all of the family. Lisa made a delicious coconut cake, Jean Jean made homemade butterfinger ice cream, and we had a birthday cake. Four cakes in two days is too much! By Sunday night the boys had a sugar high from all of the cake, ice cream, and mt. dew!!

Although it wasn't Neal's birthday, he got a nice surprise! My Granny is a quilter. There's no telling how many 100's of quilts she has made or had a hand in making. She has given all the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren quilts that she has made. (One day I'm going to do a post on all the one's she has made for me.) Well, there's some kind of tradition (not sure where it came from) that you get a quilt when you turn 21 years old. Five of six grandchildren have turned 21. She had 8 or 9 quilts for us to pick from. (We didn't get to pick from her entire collection!) When I picked mine out SEVERAL years ago, there was this purple quilt that Neal fell in love with. He begged me to pick it, but I just didn't think I would ever have anywhere to use the colors! Granny let Jenny go ahead and pick her quilt recently. When we went to Granny's house for the birthday party, she called Neal to the back part of the house and got out that purple quilt and told him it was his! He was thrilled....he said that it just made his day! It is a beautiful quilt! It's going to be perfect hanging on the wall in his office!!! I had one of mine hanging in there, but we will replace it with this one. We didn't get to bring it home because she's got to sew a hanger on the back so we can hang it. Neal can't wait to get it home!

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