Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Thursday was so hot! We ate a delicious lunch....pork loin and fresh vegetables... our family's annual meal! Then, we spent the afternoon at the races.

Jamey was in the mule races again, but didn't do as good as he did in Sunday's race!

The boys had to go on their ride

Judd ate a BLUE snowcone. Can't you tell? ha,ha!

We went to the Randy Houser show. He can really sing....has a beautiful voice, but didn't put on as good of a show as we were hoping for.

Jean Jean and Grandaddy took the boys riding again. When we caught up with them, Blaine had talked Jean Jean into letting him jump. It costs extra to do this...they don't take tickets.

He could even turn flips! He had the best time!

The roller coaster was Judd's favorite ride! One night, I think he rode it 3 times!

Our cabin was protected the whole fair. The a group of the NCF hung out in front of our cabin every night. We have a big framed-up chicken house fan on our porch, and they could feel some of the breeze from it by standing here! As hot as it was, anything helped!

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