Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I like the last Friday of the fair because it's the last day and it's just a slow day!

The boys played frisbee and threw the ball.

Neal took this picture....he took several actually! But, politics is a huge part of the fair. Everywhere you look, there are political signs.

Neal took this picture of Jean Jean while she was playing with the boys.

Blaine taking things in from the balcony.

Judd found the majic markers! One of his favorite things to do at Jean Jean's house is color on her legs. Don't ask me how this got started....I have never asked! He just loves it, and I guess Jean Jean does, too!

I hope they were washable!

The Phil Vasser show was awsome! We knew all of the songs, and he put on a really good show!
He can sure play the piano!

I'm not sure how, but Judd slept through most of the concert! It was so hot, his hair was soaking wet even though I was fanning him!

After the concert was the annual fireworks show! For me, this is like the closing event of the fair.

Papa Z spent the day with us Friday. We enjoyed him being there and I think he enjoyed it, too! He treated the boys to midway! He even slid down the big slide with them.....

and rode the merry-go-round!

By the end of the night, both boys were sacked out! Actually, it was about 1:00 am Saturday morning!

But, it was about 3:00 am when we got back to the camper. It's just hard to leave on that last night, especially when you are being entertained by Julie and Riley! Good's what it's all about!

Someone else was worn out on the last night of the fair, too! Lisa is going to kill me when she see s this picture! All in all, it was a great fair... hot, but good! We spent alot of quality time with family and friends!

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