Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekend Parties

The rest of our weekend was filled with birthday parties. We went to a 1st birthday party Saturday afternoon, a skating party Sunday after church, and Grandaddy's party right after that. Sunday was a busy day!

Granny had Grandaddy a birthday party at her house for all of the family. Lisa made a delicious coconut cake, Jean Jean made homemade butterfinger ice cream, and we had a birthday cake. Four cakes in two days is too much! By Sunday night the boys had a sugar high from all of the cake, ice cream, and mt. dew!!

Although it wasn't Neal's birthday, he got a nice surprise! My Granny is a quilter. There's no telling how many 100's of quilts she has made or had a hand in making. She has given all the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren quilts that she has made. (One day I'm going to do a post on all the one's she has made for me.) Well, there's some kind of tradition (not sure where it came from) that you get a quilt when you turn 21 years old. Five of six grandchildren have turned 21. She had 8 or 9 quilts for us to pick from. (We didn't get to pick from her entire collection!) When I picked mine out SEVERAL years ago, there was this purple quilt that Neal fell in love with. He begged me to pick it, but I just didn't think I would ever have anywhere to use the colors! Granny let Jenny go ahead and pick her quilt recently. When we went to Granny's house for the birthday party, she called Neal to the back part of the house and got out that purple quilt and told him it was his! He was thrilled....he said that it just made his day! It is a beautiful quilt! It's going to be perfect hanging on the wall in his office!!! I had one of mine hanging in there, but we will replace it with this one. We didn't get to bring it home because she's got to sew a hanger on the back so we can hang it. Neal can't wait to get it home!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mexican and Bowling

We started the weekend off Friday night by meeting some friends for Mexican and bowling. It's always fun to get-together with good friends!!

Kellie and Hannah helped Judd bowl.

Blaine had such a good time!!!

Reagan's turn!

Blaine hit several strikes before the night was over!!

Waiting for the ball to come back

Neal helping Judd bowl...Judd had rather kick the ball than throw it!

uh-oh....gutter ball!!!! Judd did get a strike before the night was over!!!! He kicked it down there and luckily knocked all of the pins down!! He was so excited!!

My Blaine looks so grown up with his cap on!!

Judd and Reagan took turns pouting when they didn't get something they wanted! Judd is so funny. He won't say "Reagan" he calls her "my girlfriend" sweet!!
We had a great night with great company!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grandaddy!

Today is Grandaddy's birthday!!

We celebrated with a steak supper last weekend! Jean Jean sure didn't disappoint! They were delicious!!
My boys love their Grandaddy just as much as he loves them!!

Grandaddy kept Judd for me Monday and even took him to the doctor in Jackson with him....he's braver than I am! When Judd realized where they were at, he got ready to leave really quick. He thought he was there to see the doctor! lol!!

Grandaddy, we hope you have a great birthday and hope ya'll enjoy your little trip this weekend!

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Look Back

I thought it would be fun to take a look back at Blaine on his first day of school in K4 and K5. He has sure grown up!

K4- I scanned this picture out of his scrapbook, so it's not the best quality.

K5-My sweet Blaine

1st grade- It's hard to believe how much he has grown in 2 years!

The backpacks have gotten bigger....

and bigger.....

and bigger!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

1st Day of 1st Grade

Well, Blaine started back to school today. As you can tell, he was not very excited about it! But, I finally managed to get a smile out of him!!

He looks so big!!
Neal, Judd,(Memom was off today) and I all went with him this morning. His teacher is Mrs. Wilson. Jamey had her when he was in 1st grade.
Can you believe that I forgot to take my camera in the school? I was so mad at myself when we got in there and realized my camera was in the car! We left our phones in the car, too! So, no pictures at school! Thankfully, I had taken these before we left.

I'm anxious to hear how he made it. Several of his friends are in his class, but there are alot of kids that have been in the other class the last two years.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where Has the Summer Gone?

It's so hard to believe that summer is coming to an end and school is starting tomorrow! Where has the time gone? Blaine is not very excited about 1st grade...neither am I! From what I hear, we are going to have a whole lot more homework than we're used to and a ton of books to read. It's going to be a big step for him! Tomorrow they go until lunch and then start all day on Monday. I think he is really going to enjoy his teacher this year.

Judd is just as mischevious as ever! We are trying to potty train him. He's doing pretty good. He just forgets to tell us he has to go, and sometimes we forget to ask. Boy are my hands going to be full with a 1st grader and potty training!! Maybe they will both surprise me!

We have had an extremely busy summer, but a fun one. Going to the beach just didn't work out this summer, but I am hoping we get to go next summer! I was going to do a post with pictures of all of the fun things we have done, but it was going to be way more pictures than I had time to post! So, I will just list a few of the many things that have kept us so busy. We've been on several camping trips, swam, celebrated birthdays, spent time with friends and family, took the boat out riding, played ball, and took the fair in. We still have one more fun little end of summer get-a-way booked. Our family is going to be going through some changes the next few weeks, so it should be interesting!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just taking it in...

We decided to spend a night at home on Monday night to get rested up for the rest of the week!
Tuesday afternoon, it came a BIG rain! What's the fair without rain and mud, right?

We all pulled out our rain boots and made the best of it!

We watched Luke Bryan put on a great show. Thanks to Julie, we had good seats on the race track! I forgot to take my big lens and everyone stood up the entire show! So, I didn't get any good pictures. It was all I could do to keep Judd from just sitting down in the middle of the mud ans playing in it!

Jamey and Riley were on alley patrol! Jamey got one guy hauled off to jail for peeing in our alley. This is an issue every year. By the end of the week, it starts smelling. Why can't people just go to the bathroom?

Wednesday morning, it was time to play! Judd had the best time playing in the wet sawdust!

So did Blaine!

My two little firemen...

I told Judd NOT to go out the back door! He couldn't resist, so he just sat down to watch for horses on the race track! lol!

We were entertained with a little music by Ben, Dan, and David.

Jewett, Becky, Hannah, and Reagan came for a visit and to ride rides.

Judd was determined that he was going to ride the bumper cars this time! I guess the carnival worker felt sorry for him and let him ride! Judd was happy!

Reagan got to ride with Hannah, too! Love the expressions on their faces!

Blaine and Hannah rode the ferris wheel...

while Judd and Reagan and their Daddys rode the merry-go-round.

Next, it was time to throw darts.

The man even let Judd play free! He got a prize, too!

Judd showed Reagan how much fun it is to play in the sawdust!

Jenny won the boys this big dog shooting basket ball. I think she won 4 or 5 the whole week!