Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Like Bubba

The older Judd gets the more he wants to be like his Bubba. This morning he had to wear his backpack just like Bubba was wearing his! Papa Z and Gran got him this cute little backpack and he just loves it! We take it with us to Memom's everyday.
It's hard to believe that Judd is not even two years old yet and wants everything to be just like Bubba's. He wants the same kind of cup and the same thing in the cup. He's quickly learned the difference between the milk jug and a coke can! He has gotten too big for his high chair. He only wants to sit at the bar like a big boy. Since we got home from the fair, there has been no more high chair. It's probably going to go in the attic pretty soon. He's also trying to use the potty like Bubba. No success yet, but we try often. And, it's all initiated by Judd. I've never even mentioned it to him. He tries his best to get his pants and diaper off, but I usually end up helping him. The sooner the better (I'm tired of buying diapers!) It just amazes me at the things we can tell me to do and he knows right what we are talking about.
Blaine is still enjoying school! He has stayed on green every day so far. He's hoping to stay on green long enough to get to go to the treasure chest. I'm not sure how long that is. Maybe he will be able to make it! He calls me each afternoon after Neal picks him up, and he is usually so excited and eager to tell me about his day. I'm sure the new will wear off soon, though!
Have a great day!

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