Monday, August 31, 2009

A Play Day

On Saturday we picked up Blaine's friend Brewer to play for the day. Brewer has something new at his house...a baby sister. She was born last week, and she is a little doll. It is hard to believe that my boys were ever that small!
The boys had so much fun playing. It was nice that my boys were occupied, so that I could get some things done. They weren't hollering "Momma" every few minutes! Judd played with them really well. We had sloppy joe's for lunch and a brownie for dessert!

Saturday night we had a singing at church, so Judd helped me make brownies to go in a brownie triffle. He helped me stir everything up, but his favorite part was eating the leftover mix in the bowl!

Have a great day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Baby Calf

This baby calf's mother died a few days after it was born. We think lighting might have struck her. Neal has had that happen to several of his cows in the past. The calf made it good for a while. I think he was actually stealing milk from another momma cow. This week we have started bottle feeding it. The calf was not very interested in this bottle or the milk. I think he is doing a little better now, though.

Blaine took the last two pictures from the 4-wheeler. He's getting pretty good with the camera! As you can see, Judd was watching very closely! Most of the time he was petting the calf and trying to ride it! Gotta love living on a farm!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Parties!

Friday night we went to my Daddy and Momma's for Daddy's birthday party. Momma fixed some delicious steaks and a wonderful italian cream cake and chocolate brownie sundaes. We ate too much!

Judd was all about blowing out the candles and wanting to put his fingers in the icing!

He also really enjoyed his brownie sundae! I'm not sure how Blaine missed all the pictures. I think he was in Uncle Jamey's lap the whole time.

Saturday night we partied again at my Grandmother' s house. We each took a mexican dish and my Momma made a great coconut cake. Once again, we left stuffed!

Daddy, I hope you had a great birthday weekend!

On a different note, please remember my Daddy in your prayers. He has not been feeling well for quite a while now and will be having surgery in the near future.

Mule Fun with Uncle Jamey

The boys enjoyed spending a little while with Uncle Jamey and some mules Saturday afternoon. Jamey bought these mules for a friend and was "trying them out" for him. The weather was so nice Saturday and just perfect for a wagon ride!

My boys think that if there is a horse or mule around they have to ride it!

This is how it is with us most of the time!

Have a great day!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandaddy!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Grandaddy,
Happy Birthday to you!

We love you and hope you have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Like Bubba

The older Judd gets the more he wants to be like his Bubba. This morning he had to wear his backpack just like Bubba was wearing his! Papa Z and Gran got him this cute little backpack and he just loves it! We take it with us to Memom's everyday.
It's hard to believe that Judd is not even two years old yet and wants everything to be just like Bubba's. He wants the same kind of cup and the same thing in the cup. He's quickly learned the difference between the milk jug and a coke can! He has gotten too big for his high chair. He only wants to sit at the bar like a big boy. Since we got home from the fair, there has been no more high chair. It's probably going to go in the attic pretty soon. He's also trying to use the potty like Bubba. No success yet, but we try often. And, it's all initiated by Judd. I've never even mentioned it to him. He tries his best to get his pants and diaper off, but I usually end up helping him. The sooner the better (I'm tired of buying diapers!) It just amazes me at the things we can tell me to do and he knows right what we are talking about.
Blaine is still enjoying school! He has stayed on green every day so far. He's hoping to stay on green long enough to get to go to the treasure chest. I'm not sure how long that is. Maybe he will be able to make it! He calls me each afternoon after Neal picks him up, and he is usually so excited and eager to tell me about his day. I'm sure the new will wear off soon, though!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pool Fun

Blaine is adjusting well to school. He has a great teacher that I am sure will have him ready for 1st grade next year! He will be learning so much this year and I hope he continues to enjoy it.

Judd is growing so much. He seems to be getting taller and thinner. His vocabulary is expanding. He can say over 20 words and phrases. We are also able to communicate with each other. Sometimes he may not know the words to say, but he can easily make me understand what he wants. He is at such a fun age!

Over the weekend, Mandy and Chad had all of Neal's family over for a cook-out. The kids enjoyed swimming in Chad's mother's pool!

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of School

Blaine started his first day of K5 on Friday. I think he was ready to see all of his friends, but not really ready to start the school thing. When we got there, some of the kids were already there and he immediately found some of his friends and sat by them and started catching up on lost time. I was so glad some of his friends from last year were in his class. His best friend got in the other class, but I'm sure there will be plenty of time to catch-up on the playground! They got out at 11:00 and when he called me, he was so excited. He loved his teacher and he was ready to go back! I guess he really was because, he was right ready to get there this morning. I hope it is a great year for him!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Sleepover

It has become a tradition for our babysitter, Memom, to have a sleepover for the older kids before they go back to school. Last night was the night. Blaine was so excited. He woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning in a hurry to get to Memom's. I am usually begging him to get up. I think they played with water guns, rode the Kubota, ate pizza, and stayed up late! She said that Blaine was the first one asleep!

Blaine and Brewer pretending to be asleep!

Anna Marie, Brewer, Blaine, and Judd were the only ones there/awake this morning when I took Judd.

So, what did I do since I had a semi free night? (you know, it is much easier with 1 child) I cooked a quick supper because Neal had a meeting at the church. I did a little house work and I spent a whole lot of time with this sweet little guy.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Rest of the Fair

We finished up the fair late Friday night (well, actually early Saturday morning). We got to the camper after 2 a.m. We had so much fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed as much as I did that night. Thanks Jamey and Julie!! It was a really good fair...the best 1 I remember in a long time! Here are some various pictures from the week. Jenny and Ben
All of the rain and mud didn't bother my boys. It just made playing that much more fun!An afternoon card game with Julie, Jenny, and Ben.I'm not sure what is going on in this picture, but I love it! I guess Judd is showing Grandaddy his shoes!Neal and the boys watching the last race of the year!
Judd had already eaten supper 1 time, but I guess Jamey's looked too good to resist! He crawled up in Jamey's lap and started eating!Blaine eating nachos and watching the fireworks on the last night of the fair.

The Rides