Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Beach-Day 3

Day 3 was pretty much the same as Day 2. We got up early and couldn't wait to get to the beach! The boys made more sand castles and played in the ocean. Judd fell alseep in my arms on the beach, so we went on to the condo while Blaine and Neal swam for a little while. Judd napped for right at 4 hours. I guess the sun drained him.

After all getting a nap we went to Foley. We decided to eat at Lambert's if the wait wasn't too long. They told us that there was an appx 45 minute wait time. While waiting I ran in a couple of stores shopping. I think the wait ended up being around an hour and a half. Judd was so bored! We had to hold him the whole time because if we put him down, he would take off running. There were so many people waiting, that it wouldn't take long for him to be lost! The meal was wonderful! We all left stuffed and carrying 2 take home boxes. Blaine loved trying to catch the rolls. He dropped the 1st one they threw him!
While in Foley a thunderstorm came through the area. We didn't let our tent down before we left, so it was slightly wind damaged. We managed to use it the rest of the week..we just couldn't let it all of the way up. Did I mention that this tent was a life saver? It was so much cooler to sit under it, rather than in the full sun.

Blaine and Judd loved pushing the numbers on the elevator. A couple of days into it, Blaine learned that we stayed on floor 13 and we went down to G. It got to where we didn't even have to tell him which on to push.

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