Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Funny Story...

Last night I was exhausted. I had been awake since before 3:30 AM, we went to Jackson for Judd's tubes, I worked yesterday afternnoon, got home just in time to leave to go to Bunko and got home after 9:00. The boys were no where near ready for bed. I usually like to have them in bed around 9:00 or shortly after now that we are out of school. It was after 10:00 by the time I actually got them into bed. They were having such a hard time settling down and I was about fed up. I finally asked Blaine

"Why do ya'll give me such a hard time and make me so unhappy?"

and he said

"You know if Daddy cleaned up the kitchen for you, you would be happy."

I said: "yea, why don't you give him that idea. You know, you could make me really happy by picking up your toys and putting them up for me."

Blaine: "Moma, there's just not enough time. There's church and school and going to Memom's and sleeping and baseball and camping and trail riding and the beach. Ya'll just don't give me enough time for that!"

I wanted to just die out laughing, but I kept it together and finally said "you know, that's how I feel most of the time!"

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