Monday, May 11, 2009

Catching Up!

I'm back! I've been really busy lately and haven't been around my computer much. I hope all the Moma's had a very happy Mother's Day! I sure did! The boys all got me a card and some gifts! Blaine made me a cute little flower pot at school. They made all kinds of flowers, worms, and buttlerflies using their finger prints. I don't know where Blaine's teacher comes up with all her ideas! Blaine's last day of school was today. He got out at 11:00. He won't talk about it much. I think he's kinda of sad. I'm sure he will really miss his friends. We've had a break from t-ball and will start back tomorrow night. We trail rode Saturday and had a lot of fun. I hope to post pictures soon.

Saturday before last Judd, Jean Jean, and I went to Joy's birthday party at the Dentzel Carousel in Meridian. Judd loved riding on the carousel. He fell asleep on the way, so he still looks sleepy in the pictures. He was so into everything going on that he wouldn't look at the camera!

We got Blaine's spring pictures that were taken at school back last week. I thought they turned out good. It was still cool on the day they were made, so he couldn't wear shorts. I hope to take some outside pictures of him soon. This is a scanned copy, so it's not quite as good as it really looks.

We take Judd to the ENT doctor tomorrow to see if he needs tubes. I feel like he will. He has had an ear infection every time the peditrician has seen him since October. Poor Baby. He doesn't complain with them much, so I guess he has just gotten use to it.

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