Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend we, along with a big group of family and friends, went camping at Archusa Creek Water Park in Quitman. This time was different from our usual camping trips. We stayed in a cabin. It was really neat and small! It had a nice deck overlooking the water. The deck had a rail around it so I guess it was Judd proof. The only way he could fall would be to climb over it or there was one entrance/exit! Despite the rain, we had a good trip! It did rain Friday night and all day Saturday. On Sunday the weather was much better, so we got to get wet. Everyone enjoyed jet skiing and boat riding and tubing! And I do mean everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Judd only got to ride in the boat. His doctor didn't like the idea of him getting water in his ears. So, he watched from land! Monday morning there was more rain! The ground was so wet that my Expediditon got stuck and it must have been stuck in an ant bed because it was infested with ants. I spent the afternoon Monday cleaning out all of the dead ants and the ant spray.

Blaine and Shelby

Blaine drinking his cup of coffee

Waiting for Daddy to come back with the boat

Ready to go!

Blaine and Uncle Daniel

Judd taking his first boat ride!

Why can't I join in on the fun?

Neal and Daniel having a little fun!

Nana and Andie taking a cruise

Friday, May 22, 2009

A New Hobby?

The past few nights I have been painting a bow holder for Neely. Today is her 3rd birthday! I saw these on a website and wanted to try to paint one. I've had the canvas for a while, but just got the chance to paint it. I thought it turned out really cute. Painting just might be becoming a hoppy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Crawfish Boil

Last weekend our little group had our 3rd crawfish boil of the season. The crawfish along with all of the fixings were so good! We spent most of the night fighting flies! I've never seen so many flies in one place in my life! All of the kids had a good time. By the end of the night they were all covered in red dirt and mud. But, who cares...they had a blast making dirt pies and playing with crawfish.

It is so nice to have friends to get-together and have a good time with. All of the kids are close to the same age and love playing together. Most of them are girls. Besides my boys, there is only one other little boy. Blaine loves getting to play with him. They are only a few months apart in age.

The men spend the night getting caught up on all of the gossip while cooking. I guess it's their night! A few of them get together and go pick up the crawfish and all of the groceries. They even do all of the cooking and buy cupcakes for dessert! When everything gets ready they hit the crawfish table to endulge! Did I mention that they love everything spicy HOT. They coat everything with Tonys. The kids (as well as us women) can hardly eat the corn, mushrooms, and potatoes and have to stick with the hot dogs and chicken that was grilled for us. The men even clean most of the mess up!

While the men are cooking, the women get to look after the kids. Sometimes that hard for me because Judd is usually wide open! His favorite part is getting in the mud and just sitting down! We enjoy discussing the various thing going on in our lives. Here are a few pictures of the night.

Judd trying to figure out how he's going to steal the lawn mower from Neely!

Which one should we pick up? (Blaine, Ryleigh, and Jacob)

Let's put our heads together!

I got one!

Judd and all the girls! He's not sure what to think!

(L to R Ryleigh, Neely, Harley Grace, Shelby, and Judd)

Miss Neely

I love this picture of Emma!

Judd filling his shoe with dirt...

Now with rocks!

See how nasty they all are? We went straight to the bathtub when we got home!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Funny Story...

Last night I was exhausted. I had been awake since before 3:30 AM, we went to Jackson for Judd's tubes, I worked yesterday afternnoon, got home just in time to leave to go to Bunko and got home after 9:00. The boys were no where near ready for bed. I usually like to have them in bed around 9:00 or shortly after now that we are out of school. It was after 10:00 by the time I actually got them into bed. They were having such a hard time settling down and I was about fed up. I finally asked Blaine

"Why do ya'll give me such a hard time and make me so unhappy?"

and he said

"You know if Daddy cleaned up the kitchen for you, you would be happy."

I said: "yea, why don't you give him that idea. You know, you could make me really happy by picking up your toys and putting them up for me."

Blaine: "Moma, there's just not enough time. There's church and school and going to Memom's and sleeping and baseball and camping and trail riding and the beach. Ya'll just don't give me enough time for that!"

I wanted to just die out laughing, but I kept it together and finally said "you know, that's how I feel most of the time!"


Judd is feeling better today. He was up and ready to go to Memom's this morning. We have another t-ball break this week due to exams. It sure is going to be nice to be able to stay home a couple of extra nights this week! Here are a few pictures from our games last week.

I wonder why he was licking his hand? He was playing on 1st base and should have been watching for the ball!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tubes and Pop-sicles

Judd got tubes this morning. Everything went good. We were only there about 2 hours. The procedure didn't last but about 15 minutes. He was not happy about the situation after waking up, but after some tylenol had time to go into effect, he was feeling better. He slept all the way home and will probably sleep most of the afternoon. Neal is staying with him so I can get some work done this afternoon. I did manage to get a few pictures while we were waiting for him to go back.

"I wonder what this button does?" Judd checked everything out while we were waiting. He even got under the bed and looked around!

Over the weekend the boys enjoyed some homemade grape pop-sicles.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We went to the ENT yesterday and it looks like Judd will be getting tubes. It is scheduled for Monday morning. So, please keep him in your prayers!

Trail Riding

We went on a trail ride last Saturday. It was alot of fun, but it sure did get hot! Neal drove the wagon, Nana and Dwight, Judd and me rode in the wagon. Well, that's how it started out. Judd thought he had to be riding, too and I also rode most of the day. Neal's sister Mandy and her family Chad and Hanna rode as well; along with the others-Grandaddy, Jean Jean, and Jamey. I'm not sure how many miles we rode. (I heard several different numbers.) But, I do know that my boys had so much fun! It was hard to pick out which pictures to post. I had so many!

Who says I'm not a big boy?

Wainting for the ride to start!

I love this picture of Blaine and Clyde. The excitement is evident in his face!

Part of our gang (Chad, Mandy, Hanna, and Blaine)


Grandaddy, Jean Jean, and the Grankids

Judd fell asleep while riding with Aunt Mandy

Let's Ride!

Blaine hitching a ride!

Judd and Uncle Jamey-I think by the end of the day, Judd had ridden with everyone in our bunch! He did squeeze in a short nap after lunch!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Catching Up!

I'm back! I've been really busy lately and haven't been around my computer much. I hope all the Moma's had a very happy Mother's Day! I sure did! The boys all got me a card and some gifts! Blaine made me a cute little flower pot at school. They made all kinds of flowers, worms, and buttlerflies using their finger prints. I don't know where Blaine's teacher comes up with all her ideas! Blaine's last day of school was today. He got out at 11:00. He won't talk about it much. I think he's kinda of sad. I'm sure he will really miss his friends. We've had a break from t-ball and will start back tomorrow night. We trail rode Saturday and had a lot of fun. I hope to post pictures soon.

Saturday before last Judd, Jean Jean, and I went to Joy's birthday party at the Dentzel Carousel in Meridian. Judd loved riding on the carousel. He fell asleep on the way, so he still looks sleepy in the pictures. He was so into everything going on that he wouldn't look at the camera!

We got Blaine's spring pictures that were taken at school back last week. I thought they turned out good. It was still cool on the day they were made, so he couldn't wear shorts. I hope to take some outside pictures of him soon. This is a scanned copy, so it's not quite as good as it really looks.

We take Judd to the ENT doctor tomorrow to see if he needs tubes. I feel like he will. He has had an ear infection every time the peditrician has seen him since October. Poor Baby. He doesn't complain with them much, so I guess he has just gotten use to it.