Monday, March 23, 2009

A Great Weekend!

The Sweet Scarbrough Kids

The Scarbrough Memorial Trail Ride, Auction, and Dance was a huge success! We raised around $25,000 with the help of many generous people! There were over 550 riders on the trail ride and over 200 auction items. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful weekend, and I know that Matthew "Dobber"and Brandy were looking down and smiling! Here are a few pictures.

The kids with Aunt Wendy, Brandy's Sister. She had just given them each a bag full of goodies from the Mississippi Braves.
Miss Destinee knows how to pose!
Jamey (my brother) giving the boys Case tractors that had be bought during the auction by some very thoughtful people and given to the boys.

Blaine enjoyed his day riding Clyde! Neal had planned to ride on the ride with him, but had to leave at the last minute due to problems at our chicken houses, so Blaine rode with neither of us with him. Thanks goes to Grandaddy for taking care of him. I was a nervous wreck all day worring about him. It's a good thing that I stayed busy because I would have probably been calling every few minutes to check on him!

For more pictures click

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