Monday, March 9, 2009

1st Haircut

Well, Judd is officially a "big boy!" He got his first hair cut. He did need it, but I've just been putting it off. Neal took him to Aunt Lacey Friday afternoon to have it cut. I didn't get pictures, but Lacey did save me some hair and gave Judd a certificate to go in his scrapbook. It does make him look older. Don't you agree?

We really enjoyed the beautiful weather that we had over the weekend. Neal and I gave the camper a spring cleaning while the boys enjoyed playing. This was really Judd's 1st time to play outside. I don't know how we're going to keep shoes on the child. He was constantly pulling them off and throwing them in the grass!

Blaine is getting excited because it's almost SPRING BREAK! I will be a nice break for me, too! He spent the night with his friend Brewer Friday night. He said that he had a great time. I'm sure Mrs. Becky was ready to pull her hair out by the time we picked him up. They can get rowdy sometimes.

We've all been busy getting the everything for the Memorial Ride in order. Everyone has been SO generous, especially everyone in the Philadelphia area. Almost all of the food has been donated or paid for by ones wanting to help out! It's alot of food. We're preparing for 2000 people. I hope we sale every plate we have!

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