Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Happenings

Things are getting back to normal at our house. Neal has started feeling better. He didn't feel too well on Sunday, but was better yesterday. He was able to actually eat supper last night. He has gotten tired of cream potatoes, mac and cheese, and rice! He goes back to the dr. tomorrow, so hopefully he will get a good report. This is how he felt Sunday... (I'm sure Neal will kill me for posting this pic when he sees it)

Judd is developing a little personality that I'm not sure if I like. He he's getting an attitude. If I spat his hands for getting into something he shouldn't be in, he tries to hit back. He's got this hitting thing down. If he's not able to make his point at the moment, he'll come back later when you're not expecting it! He is sure different than Blaine was. This picture was after not getting my camera when he wanted it.

He's had a cold this week that has settled in his eyes. They've been matting up and he's had a runny nose. The following pictures are how it is at my house most of the time.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? The 4 year old making the 1 year old cry? I guess he's just learning how to pay Blaine back for all the times he did make him cry. Notice the smile on Judd's face in the 1st picture. He know's exactly what he's doing. (Sorry, the pic is blurry, but I had to post it!) Sometimes, there ARE times like this

He's telling Blaine that he's sorry!

I thought these pictures of Blaine were sweet. He is in deep concentration watching cartoons.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy Week!

We've had a very busy week!! Neal had all 4 wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, and he's had a really hard time with it. He hasn't had that much pain, it's just been the anesthesia. In the past anesthesia hasn't taken this kind of toll on him. He is still pretty drowsy. Jamey is going to go by get him on his way to Sebastopol this afternoon, so maybe getting out of the house for a little while will help. Thank goodness for great friends that have helped with the chickens! I'm sure I'll get my share of the work this weekend, though.

Blaine has gotten back in the swing of things with school. Out of everything he did over spring break (camping, fishing, playing with friends, and trail riding) he chose to tell at school that his mule Clyde has a girlfriend named Mermaid, which is Grandaddy's mule. He said that everyone in the class laughed. There is no telling what all he tells his teachers at school that we don't know about!

I want to wish Neal's Aunt Diana a late Happy Birthday! She celebrated last Tuesday!

Also, please keep Stellan in your prayers. See his story by going to the link on the side of my blog. He was a miracle baby, but is now having some major heart problems. His heart is beating really fast, and the doctor's can't get it back into rhythm.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Great Weekend!

The Sweet Scarbrough Kids

The Scarbrough Memorial Trail Ride, Auction, and Dance was a huge success! We raised around $25,000 with the help of many generous people! There were over 550 riders on the trail ride and over 200 auction items. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful weekend, and I know that Matthew "Dobber"and Brandy were looking down and smiling! Here are a few pictures.

The kids with Aunt Wendy, Brandy's Sister. She had just given them each a bag full of goodies from the Mississippi Braves.
Miss Destinee knows how to pose!
Jamey (my brother) giving the boys Case tractors that had be bought during the auction by some very thoughtful people and given to the boys.

Blaine enjoyed his day riding Clyde! Neal had planned to ride on the ride with him, but had to leave at the last minute due to problems at our chicken houses, so Blaine rode with neither of us with him. Thanks goes to Grandaddy for taking care of him. I was a nervous wreck all day worring about him. It's a good thing that I stayed busy because I would have probably been calling every few minutes to check on him!

For more pictures click http://picasaweb.google.com/mkogletree/ScarbroughMemorialTrailRide?feat=directlink

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Auction Items

I have more items:

These are all from the M-Braves

Baseball autographed by Dale Murphy
Photo autographed by Jordan Schafer
Baseball card of Van Pope

Memorial Ride Auction Items

I am posting some of the auction items we alrealy have for the big Scarbrough Memorial Benefit that we are having this weekend. There have been over 100 businesses and individuals to donate auction items, food, and money. We are preparing 2000 grilled chicken plates. Most all of the food has been donated! This is not all of the items. They are still coming in.

Gear Wrench Set
2 Rechargeable Flash Lights
2 Turkey calls, Hunting Backpack, childs boots, knife
Fossil Watch
Reciprocating Saw
Tank Top Heater
Eli Manning autographed NY Giants Cap
Faith Hill Autographed Guitar
Multi Tool kit and folding knife
Handmade Quilt by Clara Ann Lewis
Yankee candle
Hair Care Products
2 rings and 1 necklace from Johnny Sides
2 bags and 2 t-shirts from Kademi
2 12 oz Steak Dinners
Travel hair care set
2.3 HP Skilsaw
Child's Recliner
2 Picture Frames from Frame Factory
Several Die Cast Toys
Facial Kit
Bottle of fly spray, 2 halters
Rope Halter
2 Pr-Cowgirl boot house shoes
1 Steak Dinner from Peggy's in Phila
Wall Cross
Indian Basket
Kid's Lawn Mower
Craftsman Laser Set
Flamingo Yard Steak
North Face Cap
Glass Basket
Camo Metal Chair
Vera Bradley Mini Cooler
Large Candle Warmer
$50 gift card from Wal-Mart
2 Small Fillet Dinners from Walnut Grove Fish House
3 pairs of boots from Williams Brothers
Toy Kabota Excavator
Something from Tuff Hedeman
Red Velvet Cake

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Camping Trip

We had a rainfilled weekend of fun camping this past weekend. We went to Pickensville Campground hoping that it wouldn't rain knowing that rain was on the agenda for Friday and Saturday. Well the weather man was right. I think it rained everywhere over the weekend. We did get to get out Thursday afternoon some and then on Saturday afternoon. Friday Neal and I had to make a trip to Columbus in search of a dentist. Neal's wisdom teeth decided to make a presence, which pretty much ruined the trip for him. He has to swollow his food basically whole. He went to an oral surgeon this morning and will be having surgery next week to have them removed.

Judd took Blaine's fishing pole away from him and dared anyone to touch it! I know what the Easter bunny will be bringing him!

Blaine learned to ride his bike without training wheels. It was getting dark and my pictures of him riding were too dark. I'm going to have to try to photo shop them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Few of Blaine's Favorite Things

The other night Blaine couldn't go to sleep, so we had a little Q & A session to get his mind off things. This is how it went...

Favorite Color-green
Favorite Food-corn nuggets
Favorite Drink-chocolate milk and tea
Favorite Sport-T-ball
Favorite Part of School-recess
Favorite Hobbies-camping and trail riding
Favorite Restaurant-McDonalds
Favorite TV Show-iCarly and Drake & Josh
Favorite Number-4 (because he's 4 now)
Favorite Song-Life is a Highway
Best Friend-Nick
Favorite Mule (Blaine's Idea)-Clyde
Favorite Horse (Blaine's Idea)-Rocket aka Magnum-Blaine decided that he didn't like Magnum's name so he changed it to Rocket. He also named Grandaddy's mule Mermaid, which is actually a boy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Julie & Andrew

I am posting a few engagement pictures of my cousin Julie and her soon-to-be husband Andrew that I took last week. They will be getting married in June. It was hard to pick which ones to post!

Monday, March 9, 2009

1st Haircut

Well, Judd is officially a "big boy!" He got his first hair cut. He did need it, but I've just been putting it off. Neal took him to Aunt Lacey Friday afternoon to have it cut. I didn't get pictures, but Lacey did save me some hair and gave Judd a certificate to go in his scrapbook. It does make him look older. Don't you agree?

We really enjoyed the beautiful weather that we had over the weekend. Neal and I gave the camper a spring cleaning while the boys enjoyed playing. This was really Judd's 1st time to play outside. I don't know how we're going to keep shoes on the child. He was constantly pulling them off and throwing them in the grass!

Blaine is getting excited because it's almost SPRING BREAK! I will be a nice break for me, too! He spent the night with his friend Brewer Friday night. He said that he had a great time. I'm sure Mrs. Becky was ready to pull her hair out by the time we picked him up. They can get rowdy sometimes.

We've all been busy getting the everything for the Memorial Ride in order. Everyone has been SO generous, especially everyone in the Philadelphia area. Almost all of the food has been donated or paid for by ones wanting to help out! It's alot of food. We're preparing for 2000 people. I hope we sale every plate we have!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mimi is 90!

(L to R) Judd, Blaine, Joy, Mimi, and Jett

My sweet grandmother "Mimi" is 90 years old today! That's right 90! She is in very good heath for a 90 year old. She still drives to town and church and to the beauty shop and wherever else she wants to go. She has a memory that is much better than mine, and that still has her true hair color. She has NEVER colored her hair! That's amazing! We celebrated at my house on Sunday with a birthday lunch. We wanted to have her a reception, but since she is hard of hearing we knew that she wouldn't be able to enjoying it. So, we had her a "card party" I'm not sure how many cards she has gotten, but I do know that she has enjoyed getting them. I'm taking her lunch today, so I'm sure she will want me to look at all of them!

I had to post this picture of Judd. Friday when I got to Memom's (the babysitter) house to pick him up, this is how I found him. Isn't it so funny. This is the first time he has fallen asleep while eating!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Overall Champs!!!

I want to CONGRATULATE the LA REBEL GIRLS on the state OVERALL championship! They played a great game Saturday at MC. They won by a sweet 65 to56. They also won the State, North State, and District titles as well. They sure know how to play some ball! The competition better watch out, because they will all be back next year! I can't wait!