Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life With the Boys

Judd loves bathtime. Every night we have to line all of his toys up on the bathtub. Next, he enjoys knocking each of them back off and then we have to start the whole thing over. He is so funny. Blaine usually doesn't take a bath with him because he had rather take a shower, but the other night Blaine decided he would get in the tub with Judd. Judd could not stand it. He wanted out. I guess he thinks it's just not big enough for both of them.

It's hard to believe that my baby is almost 14 months old! That's right Saturday (28th) he'll be 14 months old. Time has gone by so fast. It seems like he should still be a small baby. He is developing quite a little personality and is in to everything. All of my things that survived when Blaine was this age, will probably not make it through the wrath of Judd!! However, he is so sweet. He just melts my heart. Both of my boys make me realize just how blessed we really are. There are so many sick children and children that have gone to be with the Lord. It all just breaks my heart.

Now it's Blaine's turn. He is learning so much in school. It's hard to believe that a 4 year old should be learning to read and write in cursive. He's just now got the printing down. But, he's doing well with it. His favorite thing to do lately is trail riding. Every time he goes to Grandaddy's house or even talks to Grandaddy or Uncle Jamey, he's wanting to go riding. Saturday, he begged Uncle Jamey to take him, but since it was suppose to rain, Jamey got out of it. Yesterday, Grandaddy picked him up from school and would you know, he talked him into catching Clyde and letting him "make a few rounds"(Blaine's words)! That is all he talked about last night. Saturday morning he talked Neal into catching a horse at home for him to ride for a few minutes. And of course they called me to get the camera!

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