Monday, September 27, 2010

Blaine's Night Away

Friday afternoon Neal, Blaine, and I traveled to Tupelo for the Jason Aldean/Luke Bryan Concert. We bought the tickets a while back, but kept it a secret until this week. We used it as a good grade incentive! Starting Monday, we gave him a clue each day. Monday's clue was that we were going to spend the night somewhere. Tuesday was that he was going to get to leave school early. Wednesday, he found out that it had to do with music. Thursday, we told him Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan and he figured it out with no problem! Blaine LOVES both of them. Jason Aldean has been his favorite singer for a year or so now. It was so hard to leave Judd behind! Thanks to Jean Jean for keeping him for us!!

We were so glad that he got a nap on the way because we knew that it would be a late night!

Watching cartoons in the hotel.

Blaine said that this is where he was going to sleep, but he quickly changed his mind!

We had to take pictures before it was time to leave.

I wish Judd had been there for our family picture!

We finally found somewhere to eat. When we went it was candle light. Blaine said that he was scared....he had never been in anywhere like that before!

Then we were off to the Bankcorp South Arena.

Waiting for the show to begin...

Blaine picked out a Jason Aldean "Big Green Tractor" t-shirt and had to put it on!

Luke Bryan put on another great show. He was just as good as he was at the fair! My pictures are not as close as I had planned. They wouldn't let me bring my big lens in. We had to take it back to the car. That was just great....

Waiting for Jason Aldean to come out.

Cotton candy...yummy!

Jason Aldean time....this was right before they dropped the curtain.

His first song was "Crazy Town"

His lights were awsome. They moved around according to the song.

What a show!!! Most people never sat down during Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean!

The show ended without him singing "Big Green Tractor". Blaine was so disappointed, but I assured him that he was coming back out. There was no way that he would do a concert with out singing it! And he did come back out to sing a few more songs. Blaine knew pretty much every song he sang. The show was worth every penny we paid for it!!!

We saw several interesting things on our was this combine driving down the highway.

From our hotel door, we saw Georgia's football team being escorted through Tupelo. They were on their way to MSU. There were a lot of Georgia fans staying at our hotel.

We saw Tupelo Hardware where Elvis bought his first guitar. I had seen it before but Neal had not.

We saw this guy with crazy hair at the concert!!

After the concert, Blaine wanted ice cream and the only place open was McDonalds. We went through the drive-thru and they had two order places. There was only one pick up window, so I'm not sure how it saves much time!
Saturday we stopped a couple of places to shop and hurried home to get Judd. We were all ready to see him. We missed him so much!!

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