Monday, September 27, 2010

Blaine's Night Away

Friday afternoon Neal, Blaine, and I traveled to Tupelo for the Jason Aldean/Luke Bryan Concert. We bought the tickets a while back, but kept it a secret until this week. We used it as a good grade incentive! Starting Monday, we gave him a clue each day. Monday's clue was that we were going to spend the night somewhere. Tuesday was that he was going to get to leave school early. Wednesday, he found out that it had to do with music. Thursday, we told him Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan and he figured it out with no problem! Blaine LOVES both of them. Jason Aldean has been his favorite singer for a year or so now. It was so hard to leave Judd behind! Thanks to Jean Jean for keeping him for us!!

We were so glad that he got a nap on the way because we knew that it would be a late night!

Watching cartoons in the hotel.

Blaine said that this is where he was going to sleep, but he quickly changed his mind!

We had to take pictures before it was time to leave.

I wish Judd had been there for our family picture!

We finally found somewhere to eat. When we went it was candle light. Blaine said that he was scared....he had never been in anywhere like that before!

Then we were off to the Bankcorp South Arena.

Waiting for the show to begin...

Blaine picked out a Jason Aldean "Big Green Tractor" t-shirt and had to put it on!

Luke Bryan put on another great show. He was just as good as he was at the fair! My pictures are not as close as I had planned. They wouldn't let me bring my big lens in. We had to take it back to the car. That was just great....

Waiting for Jason Aldean to come out.

Cotton candy...yummy!

Jason Aldean time....this was right before they dropped the curtain.

His first song was "Crazy Town"

His lights were awsome. They moved around according to the song.

What a show!!! Most people never sat down during Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean!

The show ended without him singing "Big Green Tractor". Blaine was so disappointed, but I assured him that he was coming back out. There was no way that he would do a concert with out singing it! And he did come back out to sing a few more songs. Blaine knew pretty much every song he sang. The show was worth every penny we paid for it!!!

We saw several interesting things on our was this combine driving down the highway.

From our hotel door, we saw Georgia's football team being escorted through Tupelo. They were on their way to MSU. There were a lot of Georgia fans staying at our hotel.

We saw Tupelo Hardware where Elvis bought his first guitar. I had seen it before but Neal had not.

We saw this guy with crazy hair at the concert!!

After the concert, Blaine wanted ice cream and the only place open was McDonalds. We went through the drive-thru and they had two order places. There was only one pick up window, so I'm not sure how it saves much time!
Saturday we stopped a couple of places to shop and hurried home to get Judd. We were all ready to see him. We missed him so much!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Pocket Full

Judd has been fascinated with putting things in his pockets lately. The picture above is what I found in one of his pockets one day last week. If I forget to get shorts with pockets for him to wear that day, we have to change before we leave the house! I've learned to check his pockets when I pick him up to make sure everything that's in there is his! He's just a typical little boy!!

My Daddy had surgery again yesterday morning. They were only able to sew up one side of his leg...the other side was still too swolen. He is hoping to get the other side sewn up next week. He was in a lot of pain yesterday and last night, but feels some better this morning.

We have an exciting night planned!! I will be back with pictures soon!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Piper!!

Today is Piper's 1st Birthday!! We celebrated at her party last Saturday!

She had a very cute owl themed party.

Her smash cake

The big cake

She was not quite sure about it at first!

What a face!!

Eating a sucker at the end of her party. Happy Birthday, Piper!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jean Jean!!!

Today is Jean Jean's birthday!! We had planned to celebrate last Saturday while Jamey was home, but after the accident, we weren't sure if we would be able to. Since Daddy got to come home Saturday night, we decided to just grill at their house.

Blaine, Judd and I made her this cake. I love homemade chocolate icing!!!
It was 4 layers!!
Blaine was playing on Uncle Jamey's iphone and didn't have time for pictures!
Blowing out the candles. Blaine decorated the top of the cake by himself!!
Opening presents. She got 3 sets of new dishes Saturday night and we took the rest of her gifts to her today!
Judd helped me bake the cake part early Saturday morning while Blaine was still sleeping!
He loves to lick the beeters!! Jean Jean, I hope you had a good day despite everything that was going on! We Love You!! Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Get Well Soon, Grandaddy!

The past couple of weeks have been challenging. We have been extemely busy and I have had tons of stress at work and home. First grade has taken over our nights. We eat supper, do homework, go over spelling words, read, and sleep. There is little time for anything else. Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse, my daddy had an accident. Last Thursday, he was checking on some loggers working on his land and somehow stepped on a piece of wood that popped up and hit the back of his leg. Since he is on so much blood thinner, it caused a hematoma. This caused his leg to swell like crazy. He got to the ER and at first they were just going to send him to a dr in Jackson, but quickly decided to call Aircare. UMC was the only option since he was flying in. It was so urgent because the swelling had circulation to his foot and leg muscles cut off. His foot was numb and he was at risk of losing his foot and muscle tone in his leg. To make a long story short, what was suppose to be emergency surgery did not happen until 7:00 that night. He got to UMC around 1:00 that afternoon. We are NOT impressed with UMC. Everyone we saw told us something different. They cut him from his knee to his ankle on both sides of his leg. The wound is open and has wound vac tubes coming from it. They sent him home Saturday night. He is doing pretty good. He hasn't been in too much pain, but everything is just aggravating. He is gone back to UMC today for a dressing change and will go back Friday for another surgery to close up his wounds and possibly do skin grafts. Such a simple thing has caused such a huge ordeal! I feel for my Momma. She hasn't had a full nights rest in almost a week now. Please keep them in your prayers!!

Friday night the boys were making Grandaddy some get well pictures. We had promised to take them to see him Friday night but since he was suppose to get to come home Saturday morning we decided not to. And plus I was still so tired from Thursday.

This was after 10:00 P.M., so they had stripped down for the night!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Yogi Part 2

I forgot to mention in part 1 that Jamey came to see us Saturday afternoon. He couldn't leave to go back to work without seeing the boys! We enjoyed him visiting with us!

Sunday morning was another chilly morning. It was SO nice!! The kids had so much fun playing together! Each one had another close in age to play with (exccpt for Brennon). I don't think there was one fuss or fight the whole weekend! They all just love each other so much.
The McDill Family
Judd and his "birlbrin"...girlfriend. He won't say Reagan just "my birlbrin" funny! These two are just alike. Reagan likes trucks and dirt just as much as Judd does!

We decided to wait until the afternoon to go to the water park so maybe the water would be warmer. We had a blast playing put-put golf!
Judd had to stop and smile for the camera!

The kids went on ahead of the adults and got finished much faster than we did!

Blaine played my turn for me

Mr. Brennon was ready for the sun and water!!

Neal and Judd had the best time going down the slide!

He's laughing almost looks like he's crying.

Brennon got to try the slide out...

The guys spent the rest of the afternoon playing volleyball. They had a big group playing and played like 5 or 6 games. They were all sore the next day!

The kids took a dip in the lake. It was much warmer than the pool.

We all got ice cream. This was Judd's third one to eat. First he ate his, then he ate part of Blaine's cone, and in the picture he's eating mine!

Next, it was time for the "Hey Hey Hey" ride. They have a couple of rides each afternoon. It makes a circle around the park. You are suppose to holler hey, hey, hey to everyone!

Blaine, Seth, and Hannah on the ride.

Judd and Reagan had a "popcorn and movie" date in her camper!!!

This is how I found Blaine Sunday night! We all had so much fun. There are so many activities that we didn't even make it to. The boys were both asking when we could go back before we got out of the gate. Blaine said his favorite thing was riding bikes and Judd's was everything!