Monday, December 28, 2009

Judd is 2!

Today is my little cupcake's 2nd birthday. It is so hard to believe that he is already 2 years old. He is quite the little character. There are many stories that I could tell about him, but this one happened yesterday and it was just hilarous! I was trying to catch him to put his clothes on for church and all of a sudden he said laughing "nannie, nannie, boo, boo!" That is the first time I had heard him say it and caught me so off guard that all I could do was laugh! He is such a little mess! We love him so much and couldn't imagine our life without him!

I made cupcakes for him to take to Memom's today. As you can see, he enjoyed his last night! We are having his big party this weekend.

After he saw that Blaine had icing on his nose, he had to have some on his. He wiped it off before I could get his picture, though! Judd loves his Bubba, and his Bubba loves him! Everything has to be just like Bubba's!

I have hundreds of Christmas pictures to go through and edit. It' s going to be hard trying to decide which ones to post! Keep checking back. Maybe I'll have some of them posted before long!

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