Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning we have our little family Christmas and the boys play with their toys from Santa. I guess Blaine and Judd have been good this year because Santa was very good to them!!

Blaine's gifts

Judd's gifts

Judd loved his truck!

Blaine and his "real" gun. It came with 3 different barrels, so it can be 3 different guns. There was just one problem. Santa forgot to leave the key to the trigger lock so we could unlock the trigger! So, he hasn' t been able to shoot it yet.

Trying to figure out how to make the truck run

The boys each got 3 gifts from us. Three because that's how many gifts Baby Jesus got Christmas morning!

learing to play the guitar-- with a guitar and drums, there is never a quiet moment in our house!

Daddy got some much needed clothes, gift cards, and hunting stuff. I also got several gifts that I love! Neal did a great job this year picking out my gifts!

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