Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

We finally found time to carve a pumpkin! We had planned to go to a birthday party Friday night, but the weather was cold and rainy... and Judd didn't need to be out in the night air. So, we found something fun to do anyway!

Although I did most of the work, the boys did help dig out the inside.

Judd didn't make it through the whole process. He called it quits shortly after this picture. He was tired from all of the playing he did with Jean Jean.

Blaine wanted to carve a tractor on the pumpkin, but I managed to talk him into something a little easier...

The finished product!

Blaine had so much fun that he wanted to carve another one. I promised him that we would try to before the weekend was over, but we just didn't get it done!

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